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Dear Eleanora
Slow down, Marks. I promise I got the last three letters you sent this week, I just really don't have any good answers for you. I have no idea how Harry's name could've gotten into the Goblet of Fire. Why don't you ask Moody? He's way more likely to know than I am. My mum's been going absolutely insane over it. She's ready to barge into the school herself and demand that Harry be taken out of the tournament. She's really relieved you weren't chosen, though. She was really against you entering in the first place, in case you couldn't tell from the dozen letters she wrote telling you not to enter. (I intercepted as many as I could, I swear).
Anyways, from what I could gather, the Goblet of Fire isn't easily tricked. There's pretty much no way Harry could've entered himself. Even if he'd asked an older student to enter for him, there's no way the Goblet would've picked a fourth year, no matter how good a wizard he is. At this point, it doesn't really matter how he got in. He's going to have his work cut out for him getting through the tournament.

Bill stopped writing for a second and reread the last sentence. He considered crossing it out, not wanting to worry Eleanora too much, but then thought better.

I'm sure he'll have a lot of help, though. Everyone knows he shouldn't be involved in this, and of course he's always got Ron and Hermione. They've gotten through some really dangerous things together, I'm sure he'll be able to manage this.
On that note, I don't think I'll be able to make it to watch the first task. Things have been hectic at work and they're not letting many spectators in anyways. I'll be sure to visit later on in the year though, I can't wait to see you all. Good luck with everything,

Bill sat back on his bed and read over the letter once more. It wasn't his best, but it would do. The real reason he hadn't written to Eleanora all week was that he was trying to distance himself a little. He needed to figure out if what he thought he'd been feeling was real, or if he was just lonely without his friends in Egypt.  The move back had been more difficult than he liked to admit. He heard footsteps on the landing and quickly folded the letter and stuffed it into an envelope. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in- Charlie!" Bill's face split into an enormous smile when his brother walked in. "You're early!"

"Hey, Billie," Charlie embraced his brother, and then held him at arms length. "You've got to come downstairs, mate. Mum thinks I have the power to cancel the first task, just because I work with the dragons they're using." Bill gave a derisive snort and followed Charlie out of the room and down to the kitchen, leaving the forgotten letter on his bed.


In the week after the names were drawn from the cup, Eleanora felt torn between two worlds. When she was with Cedric, she was the school champion's girlfriend. These days, he was always caught up in a crowd of people, all talking at once. He didn't hate the attention, but Eleanora could tell when he got tired of it. When she noticed, she'd take his hand and find a way to disappear into a secret passage or a deserted room without anybody noticing. That wasn't the only thing that was getting tiring. Ever since Cedric and Eleanora had started dating, there had been girls, mostly from Cedric's house, who gave her a hard time about the relationship. Apparently half of the school had "called" Cedric, and she'd definitely gotten in the way of that. Eleanora didn't like engaging in these fights. She'd always believed in girls supporting girls, especially when it came to relationships, but she was growing weary of the criticism.

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