\𝓉𝓌ℯ𝓃𝓉𝓎 𝓉𝓌ℴ\

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July, 2000

"Oh, look at her!" Mrs. Weasley crooned, taking Georgia from Eleanora's arms and planting a kiss on the baby's tiny cheek. "Look at her smile!"

Eleanora laughed softly and reached out to fix the sleeve of her daughter's dress. As she did so, Georgia's smile grew clumsily and she babbled in happiness. Eleanora had never seen a baby as sunny as Georgia. Her shockingly blue eyes lit up any time she saw someone she knew and she had the kind of smile that was absolutely contagious. "Where's Teddy?" Eleanora asked, peering around the kitchen of the Burrow. "She likes Teddy."

"He's running around here somewhere..." Mrs. Weasley said, looking around for a moment but then giving up and going back to bouncing Georgia on her hip. Teddy had recently learned to walk, and now nobody could catch him. "Ginny's upstairs with Hermione and Angelina- why don't you join them? I can take care of... this precious little..." Mrs. Weasley looked as though she'd rather do nothing else than baby-talk Georgia, so Eleanora slipped out of the kitchen and up to Ginny's old bedroom.

When she opened the door, Luna Lovegood was the first person she saw, wearing an ornate flower crown and an elegant blue maid of honor dress. "Oh, Eleanora," she said in a dreamy voice, "you look just like a fairy."

"Thanks Luna," said Eleanora, deciding to take this as a compliment. "You look beautiful." Then, stepping further into the room, she saw Ginny in a simple yet elegant wedding dress, Hermione leaning over her to style her hair in an extravagant updo.

"El!" Hermione cried the second she saw Eleanora, "Help me out with this, you've always been better with hair than me."

Eleanora stepped forward and brandished her wand. She'd recently learned a few spells to help style hair and wanted to try them out. "You look amazing, Gin, really," she said as she worked, carefully pulling different strands in and weaving them together. "You excited?"

Ginny started to nod her head, but then stopped the second she remembered her hair was being done. "Excited, but a bit nervous."

"That's understandable," Eleanora said, smiling at the memory of her own wedding. She could remember being so nervous about her shoes... she hadn't even considered the prospect of a Death-Eater attack until it actually happened. She felt a wave of relief at the thought that Ginny and Harry would never have to worry about something like that. That her daughter would never be threatened by Voldemort.... that Daisy could have a normal Hogwarts career now that the war was over. There were so many things to be happy about now that the wizarding world wasn't in danger.

Once Ginny was ready, the bridesmaids; Hermione, Eleanora, Angelina, and Luna, all escorted her down to the aisle. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were already there, along with George, Ron, Neville, and Charlie. Eleanora immediately went to hug Charlie, who she hadn't seen in months. "How are you, mate?" he said, pulling her in tightly and then holding her at arms length. "You're not pregnant anymore."

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