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A day or two after Daisy moved in with the Weasleys, Bill received a letter from Eveline saying she'd decided to come home after two weeks. She would go on a short holiday, and then meet Bill l and Daisy back at the house to decide what the next plan of action should be. When Bill had shown Daisy the letter, he was surprised to see disappointment flood her face. He almost felt sorry for delivering the news, but later that day Mrs. Weasley managed to take Daisy's mind off of it by letting her decorate the cake she'd made.

A few weeks before the younger Weasleys left for Hogwarts, Mrs. Weasley moved the entire family into Grimmauld Place. The move happened quickly and a few days after, Harry and Hermione joined the Weasleys in the house. Bill hardly even noticed. Mrs. Weasley was growing more concerned by the day at his appearance. He'd stopped sleeping entirely and only ate when Molly forced him to. He was spending less and less time at Grimmauld Place, using up the majority of his days to search for Eleanora. He would sometimes be gone overnight, sometimes even for days at a time, but he always came back empty handed. When he wasn't out searching, he spent his time with Daisy.

Not surprisingly, everyone in the Order had come to love Daisy. When she'd gotten over her original shyness, she'd become very friendly with everyone she spoke to. Even Moody had warmed up to her, and sometimes let her listen in when he met with aurors in headquarters. Daisy had taken a great interest in the dark wizards Moody was looking into and Bill thought it might have something to do with her father's sudden disappearance. Cillian hadn't been heard from in months. Nobody knew where he might be, and he wasn't exactly at the top of their priority lists. Daisy kept asking to sit in at Order meetings, but Mrs. Weasley always told her to wait outside with the twins. They were good at entertaining her, always letting her try out their new products and cracking jokes about being left out of the Order, but the twins were suffering just as much as Bill. They weren't used to going this long without their best friend.

Bill woke Daisy up early on her last morning at Grimmauld Place. They'd known the day was coming for two weeks now, but it didn't make anybody any less sad. Mrs. Weasley made an enormous breakfast with tons of leftovers for Daisy to take home with her. She didn't want the girl to ever have to worry about food while Eveline was out doing who-knew-what. When it was finally time to leave, the goodbyes took forever.

"Write to us, alright Dais?" Fred said, hugging her. "You can send us your drawings whenever you want."

"Yeah, and we'll keep sending you products to test," said George. Daisy smiled at them and moved to hug Mr. and Mrs. Weasley goodbye.

"Take care of yourself, dear," Mrs. Weasley said, blinking her eyes rather rapidly. "You'll always be welcome in our family, just like... just like- your sister." Her voice cracked and her hand jumped to dab at her eyes.

"Thanks, Mrs. Weasley."

"Come on, Daisy-flower," Bill said, calling her the nickname Eleanora always used. "Got to get you back on time."

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