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The last week of school passed in a blur. Eleanora had expected her final days at Hogwarts to go much differently, but she honestly wasn't thinking about graduation or nostalgia. Her mind was consistently focused on her future. On the Order, on her job prospects now that she'd passed her N.E.W.T.s and, most of all, on Bill. She received a heart-warming letter from him halfway through the week, but didn't answer. She'd be seeing him in person before a response could reach the Burrow. On her last night at Hogwarts, the twins and Eleanora took one last midnight stroll around the castle. She wished she could enjoy it more.

The next morning, Eleanora woke to Beatrice and Phillipa doing their last minute packing. Phillipa had a tear in her eye as she pulled the Weird Sisters poster down from over her bed and carefully folded it. Bea was going around to all of the hiding spots the girls had made over the years, looking for any forgotten food or firewhisky.

"'Bout time you got up," she said crossly when she saw that Eleanora's eyes were open. "Help me out with this."

While Eleanora and Beatrice found the last of the hidden goods, Phillipa pulled the remaining decorations that had been up for seven years off of the walls. When they'd finished, the three girls stood in a subdued group in the middle of the room, staring at the blank walls and the settling dust.

"Gummy slug, anyone?" Beatrice murmured, holding out the bag for Phillipa and Eleanora.

"Bea, those are, like, six years old," said Eleanora, a small smile crossing her face.

"Still good."

"You two will write to me, right?" In place of an answer, Phillipa turned and pulled Eleanora into a hug. Bea wrapped herself around both of them, burying her face in Phillipa's shoulder. When they broke apart, all three girls had to wipe away tears.

"We'll keep in touch," Bea said in a hoarse voice. "Promise."


It was Hogwarts tradition that the seventh years ride the school boats across the lake on their last trip from Hogwarts. Eleanora, Phillipa, and Beatrice climbed into one of the boats and sat waiting for it to depart from the shore. Eleanora stared back at the school she loved so much, and then out at the lake. She kept thinking about how any empty seat could've been Cedric's. She stared down at the space next to her. To her surprise, Beatrice started to laugh.

"What's funny?"

Beatrice tried to contain herself long enough to explain. "D-d'you remember the first time we rode these? We sat with Marcus Flint." All three girls dissolved into giggles.

"I can't believe it," Eleanora said, wiping at her eyes. "Phil, it was all your fault, really."

"I know, I know." Phillipa set her feet up on the empty seat. "He was so nice to me, I had no idea."

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