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When Fred opened the door to find Eleanora standing soaking wet with tear streaks running down her face, he didn't ask questions. He pulled his best friend inside and wrapped her in a tight hug, to which she promptly burst into a fresh wave of tears. George poked his head into the room when he heard the commotion and, looking thoroughly confused, joined his brother in wrapping his arms around Eleanora, sandwiching her between them. After a minute, George murmured into the back of her shoulder, "Why're we hugging and crying?"

She let out a small, choked laugh and pushed away from the twins, sitting down on a couch in the living room area of their apartment. Fred and George sat on either side of her, both wearing looks of deep concern. Eleanora had always been like an older sister to them, and it wasn't often that she ran to them crying. She wiped away her tears and cleared her throat before saying anything. "It's nothing-"

"Oh, don't give us that," said Fred with an ironic half smile. "We know you better, Marks."

"Bill and I just got into a fight," Eleanora said softly, staring down at her hands. "The worst one we've ever had."

Over her head, Fred and George exchange a dark look. They loved Eleanora and Bill, but if they had to pick a side it was Eleanora all the way. "What was the fight about?" George asked gently.

"A bunch of stuff," Eleanora sniffled. "He didn't come home until really late and then... wouldn't tell me where he was."

"Uh-oh." Fred tightened his grip on Eleanora's shoulder. "That's never a good thing."

"Not what I need to hear right now, Freddie." Her mind was racing with all of the possibilities, most of all the one she didn't even want to consider. She trusted Bill completely, which made the possibility of him cheating even harder to swallow.

Noticing her panicked expression growing, George shook his head vigorously at Fred. "I'm sure he's not doing anything, it's probably just a misunderstanding. You know how Bill is, he'd never... you know."

"Right." Eleanora wiped at her face again, still not sure. Just then, there was a knock on the door that made all three of them jump. George got up and crept to the door, peeking through the peephole.

"It's Bill," he whisper shouted to Fred and Eleanora. Eleanora rolled her eyes and collapsed backwards onto the cushions. "Do I let him in?"

"I can hear you, you know," Bill called through the door. "You guys have really thin walls. Is El there?"

George ducked against the door again, gesturing frantically at Eleanora and Fred. He kept mouthing words that made no sense and Eleanora couldn't help but laugh a little at how ridiculous he looked. "Um-" George cleared his throat, "Why do you ask?"

"George, let me in." Bill tried the doorknob but it was locked. "Seriously, mate, I just want to talk to her."

"Should I?" George shuffled uncomfortably by the door. Eleanora sighed and nodded her head, getting up to meet Bill at the door.

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