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"My lord," Cillian rasped, falling to his knees. "My lord, forgive me." Voldemort stared down at him coldly. There was no forgiveness in those sharp eyes.

"Forgive you, Marks?" he said, almost gleefully. "Forgive you for being a traitor? For working with the enemy? For marrying that filthy mudblood?"

Cillian clenched his jaw. He couldn't afford to lose his temper. "I- I made mistakes, my lord. I can make it up to you- I have information you need."

"What kind of information?" Voldemort said, eyes dripping with malice.

Cillians hands shook uncontrollably. "Information on the members. The members of the Order of the Phoenix, my lord."

Voldemort gave him a cold smile, sending shivers down Cillian's back. "Tell me, and maybe I'll spare your mudblood wife and daughter."

Cillian took a shaky breath, trying not to cry. "The Potters," he said in a high pitched whisper. "They're in Godric's Hollow, but you won't be able to find them by yourself. Peter Pettigrew. He's their secret keeper, now please, my lord. My wife and daughter." He clasped his hands together, begging the dark lord to spare their lives.

"Spare their lives for one measly bit of information?" Voldemort's voice was high and sharp. He knew Cillian Marks would give away any information if it meant his family would be safe. He was right.

"S-Sirius Black, my lord. He's not far from the Potters, living in the next muggle village over. He'll be on duty for the Order on Halloween."

Voldemort's lips curled into a blood curdling smile."Very well. And you, of course, still pledge your allegiance to me and only me? No more running around with that blood-traitoring fool, Dumbledore?"

"Of course, sir. I pledge my- my allegiance to you... and only you." Cillian felt a few tears roll down his face.

"And I am certain your daughter will make a fine member of our team once she's old enough, won't she, Cillian?" Voldemort cackled. Cillian drew a sharp breath. Not Eleanora. He couldn't let his daughter fall victim to the same fate he had. And the baby... his little son or daughter who wasn't even born yet. He didn't answer. "Get up!" Voldemort shrieked in that awful, high pitched voice. "You've saved yourself... for now."


When the twins and Eleanora stepped off of the train onto the platform, they grabbed their bags and immediately headed to the barrier to meet Mrs. Weasley.

"When we get home we'll sort through the materials," Fred was saying as they passed through into the muggle world. "We'll get a whole formula together and-"

"Fred," Eleanora said in a low voice.

"What?" said Fred, following her gaze. "What's he doing here?" Cillian Marks was standing at the edge of the platform, hands in his pockets, watching the trio. Eleanora stopped dead. "I don't know..." Cillian took a step forward and she took a deep breath. "Let's go find out."

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