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Early the next morning, Lupin stood in the kitchen of Headquarters with Sirius and Moody. Most of the Order was gathered in the dining room, preparing for a last minute meeting. Moody had been the one to throw it all together, telling everyone they needed to discuss the information Eleanora had gathered. Those who had been there when Eleanora had reappeared had had their own mini meeting that morning, but most of the others had gone to mingle with the rest of the order. Bill hadn't shown up all morning.

"Where's he gotten off to, anyway?" Lupin asked when Moody mentioned that they would need Bill to translate the notebook.

"Eleanora's room," a small voice said from the doorway. Lupin jumped and turned around to see Daisy entering the kitchen, rubbing her eyes.

"Isn't it a little early for you to be up?" Lupin said. Daisy never woke up until it was almost afternoon. Like her sister, she was a night owl.

"I wanted to make sure it wasn't all a dream." Daisy took a seat at the kitchen table and rested her chin in her hand. Lupin gave her a gentle smile.

"What d'you want for breakfast, Dais?" Sirius asked, opening up the cupboard. "We had Tonks go out and get that cereal you said you liked from a muggle grocery store-"

"I'll have that."

Sirius nodded and pulled down a bowl. Daisy wasn't used to people always being around to help her get meals and to pay attention to how much sleep she was getting, but she didn't mind. She missed her parents, but could almost forget it when she had nearly the entire Order around to take care of her.

"So, Bill's in Eleanora's room?" Lupin said, amused. "I think we can safely assume there's something going on there." It had been an ongoing debate since the beginning of that summer. Everyone around the two could feel the tension, but Bill and Eleanora never explicitly said there was something happening.

"Listen, I'm still in shock from hearing Snape's her godfather," Sirius said, setting a bowl of cereal in front of Daisy and sitting down across from her. "I don't need any more news."

"That's not news," said Moody. "We've all known since she was born." Sirius and Lupin both whipped around to look at him.

"You knew?" they said in unison.

"You didn't?" Moody snorted. "Cillian told me the day after she was born."

"So you had eighteen years to tell us and you just didn't?" Lupin said, incredulous.

Sirius leaned across the table to squint at Daisy. "Snivellus isn't your godfather too, is he? 'Cause I can forgive a mistake the first time but..."

"I dunno who mine is," Daisy said, staring back at Sirius with wide eyes. "Do you?" She looked at Moody, who shrugged and put his hands up.

"Dunno," he grunted. "Your mum had sort of disconnected herself from the wizarding world by the time you were born."

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