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"Let's just elope," Bill said over breakfast one morning in June. "That's what Tonks and Lupin are doing."

Eleanora glared at him over her bowl of oatmeal. "That's not what they're doing, they're having a small wedding with just close friends. There's a difference. And we're not eloping. I already bought a dress."

Bill smiled and stood up to start clearing the table. "You could still wear the dress," he said, giving her a convincing look.

"I'm not eloping, William. Molly would never forgive us." Eleanora got up too and started running water to do the dishes. They'd spent the entire weekend at Shell Cottage, and she didn't feel ready to go back to the real world yet.

Bill let out a sigh and placed the bowls in the sink before wrapping his arms around Eleanora from behind and burying his face in her hair. "Let's just stay here then," he murmured, his fingers trailing up and down her stomach. Eleanora felt butterflies flutter in her chest despite the fact that Bill had done this a million times. It was amazing to her how the feeling she got around him never seemed to fade.

She leaned her head back against his shoulder and smiled up at him. "We can't," she said regretfully. "I promised your mum I'd try on my dress today."

"But the wedding isn't for weeks," whined Bill. "You've got time."

"And we have all the time in the world to be together." Eleanora turned around and started pushing Bill playfully towards the stairs. "Come on, go get dressed," she laughed as he fought back. "Bill!" she shrieked when he took her by the waist and picked her up, throwing her clumsily over his shoulder and heading for their bedroom. They collapsed onto the bed, both out of breath laughing hard. "I hate you," Eleanora managed.

"Come on..." Bill recovered and rolled over, wrapping Eleanora in one arm. "We can be a little late, right?"

Eleanora chuckled and rolled her eyes, relenting. "I guess..." She rolled over and climbed on tip of him, leaning down to kiss him, her hair falling over both of their faces. "Maybe a little..."


Half an hour later, Eleanora pulled jeans and a t-shirt on, fixing her hair in the mirror. Through the doorway to the bedroom, she could see Bill sitting on the messed up blankets of the bed, pulling a t-shirt on. He caught her eye in the mirror and grinned, getting up to join her in the bathroom. He sat on the counter top, facing her, and linked his fingers through her belt-loops, pulling her closer. "Just think, in a few weeks we can do that every day."

"We can already do it every day, honey," Eleanora laughed, wrapping her arms around Bill's shoulders and pulling him in, kissing the top of his head. "But I am excited to finally live here full time."

"That's what I'm saying," Bill murmured into her shoulder. "Let's just elope and get it over with."

Eleanora released him. "Absolutely not," she said, giving herself one last look in the mirror and leaving the bathroom. Bill slouched after her, down the stairs to the front door. Before she opened it, Eleanora turned and looked at him seriously. "You don't actually want to elope, do you? Because, I mean, we could talk about-"

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