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Over the next month and a half, Eleanora made a slow recovery. As spring approached, she started to feel better about everything that had happened in the winter. After spending her entire winter break after the fiasco with Cedric holed up in Gryffindor tower in utter misery, she decided it was time to pick herself back up. The first thing she did when classes started up again was seek out Snape. She settled herself in his classroom and explained the entire situation to him. It took nearly an entire period. When she'd finished, she took a deep breath and pulled her legs up onto the desk, watching Snape intently. He knitted his eyebrows together apprehensively.

"So... you're pining after two boys, neither of which love you back... and you shouted at one in the library?"

Eleanora scoffed. "Well- I don't like that way of explaining it, but... yes. Yeah, that's pretty much it. But I don't think I'm in love with Cedric anymore. I think he was right about that bit."

"Well, that solves everything," Snape said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Eleanora couldn't help laughing. "You're no help."

"It's not in the job description to fix your boy problems, Miss Marks." Snape's lip curled.

Eleanora swung her legs off of the desk and jumped down as the bell rang, her cheerfulness unwavering. "Thanks for your touching assistance, Professor," she said, backing towards the door. "Really, I dunno what I'd do without your truly enlightening advice." It always made Eleanora happy when she could get Snape to laugh. It didn't happen often, but when it did, it was one of the best feelings ever.

A week before the second task of the Tournament, Eleanora decided it was time to clear things up with Cedric. She was sick of avoiding him and Cho, who seemed like a sweet enough girl, and wanted to put the whole thing behind her. She hated holding grudges. When she told the twins her plan, they had mixed reactions.

"He doesn't deserve your forgiveness, El," George said.

"He's a fucking-" Fred didn't finish his sentence, he just pounded his fist into his hand.

Eleanora raised an eyebrow at the boys, and they fell silent. "It's my decision to make, and you know I can't hold a grudge. They're not a bad couple, anyways-"

"Oh, shut up." George rolled his eyes dramatically and stood up to join Angelina by the fire. Eleanora caught Fred's eye and they both stifled laughter.

"You're too nice, El," Fred said gently. "But if it'll make you feel better, you absolutely should make up with Cedric. We hate seeing you moping around because of that prat."


Cedric and Eleanora sat face to face in the library, a table holding an un-started game of wizards' chess between them. Neither of them spoke. Cedric eyed his ex-girlfriend carefully while Eleanora stared down at the chess board, gathering up the nerve to say something. Cedric, unable to take the tension anymore, broke the silence.

"If you want to start the game, usually people start with a pawn-"

"I don't."


They went quiet again. Cedric bounced his knee nervously and started fidgeting with the pieces on the board.

"Listen, you were right," Eleanora said finally.

"Was I? What about?" He seemed genuinely confused.

"Everything." Eleanora didn't look up. "About us, about Bill, about... everything."

"Ah." Cedric stopped fidgeting. "About that, I'm really sorry for springing it on you, I really am-"

"I know you are." Eleanora's face softened. "I'm sorry I shouted at you."

"It was justified."

The two lapsed into silence yet again, but this time it was softer. Cedric didn't seem as nervous anymore. "El, I really hope you figure things out with-"

"Me too," Eleanora said quickly. She didn't want to talk about Bill with anyone, especially Cedric. "I'm sure it'll all work out." Cedric got the message and didn't bring the subject of Bill up again.

"Are we okay now?" he asked worriedly. "Can we be okay?"

Eleanora thought for a moment, and then nodded her head slowly. "Yeah," she said quietly. "Yeah, we can be okay."


On the morning of the second task, Eleanora dressed in red and yellow to support both Hogwarts champions. She met the twins in the Dining Hall for breakfast, sliding into a seat next to George.

"You ready?" Lee said excitedly from across the table.

"You gonna freak out again?" George nudged her playfully in the side.

"Oh, shut up," Eleanora said, swiping a piece of bacon from George's plate. She turned in her seat just in time to see Snape sweeping past. "Oi! Professor!" she called.

Snape doubled back around to stand over Eleanora and the twins. "Yes? Getting ready to work yourself into another, how do you say, panic-"

"No, no, no," Eleanora cut him off, waving her hands. "I made you something!"

"Made me something?" He was too surprised to give her his usual scowl.

"Yeah," she said sweetly, rummaging through her bag. "Here." She'd pulled out a small, tightly sealed jar with some sort of golden liquid inside. She handed it to Snape, who eyed it suspiciously.

"What is it?"

"My own concoction." Eleanora beamed up at him. "I've been working on it for maybe two years now. It's like a muggle space heater, but better. Just unscrew the lid a bit and it'll immediately warm your room up." Snape gazed down at the jar with an unfamiliar expression. He looked almost impressed. "Anyways, I just thought you might want it because the dungeons always get cold in the winter. Sorry it's a bit late... I meant to have it done by Christmas..." She trailed off, looking up at Snape in anticipation.

"I- assume... you used billywig stings? And antimony?" Eleanora nodded her head. "Thank- thank you," Snape said, holding the jar tightly in his hand. Eleanora chuckled and got up from the table, slinging her bag over one shoulder.

"Don't mention it," she said, patting him on the shoulder on her way past. "See you at the tournament."


Eleanora and the twins made their way through the packed stands to try and get the best seats possible. The crowd was buzzing with excitement for the task, trying to predict what it might be. With the stands facing the lake, some were saying the champions would have to fight the giant squid.

"Let's hope so," George said over his shoulder to Eleanora. "Cedric could use a good beating up."

"I told you, Cedric and I are friends now, George," Eleanora said in exasperation. "Drop it."

"Never!" the twins cried in unison. She scoffed and urged Fred forward. They climbed a few more stairs, and then stopped short.

"What're you doing?" Eleanora asked, trying to see over Fred's shoulder.

"Ahhhh..." Fred shifted from foot to foot, and then shuffled to the side, revealing what he'd been hiding from Eleanora. She stared in shock at the tall, red-haired boy leaning against the railing overlooking the lake.


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