\𝓉𝓌ℯ𝓃𝓉𝓎 𝟚\

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Eleanora woke the next morning sprawled out on a couch in the common room. Her head pounded the moment she sat up and her mouth felt like it had been stuffed with dry cotton balls. She put a hand on her hair and felt how disheveled it was. Lee was asleep on the other side of the couch, his head hanging off of the armrest. She reached her foot out to push him, trying to wake him up.

"Eeeuuurrgghhh..." He rubbed at his eyes and slipped off the couch onto the floor. "What d'you want?"

She didn't answer.

"Oi, Eleanora." It was Phillipa. "Aren't you supposed to be meeting Cedric or something? It's almost time for the first task."

Eleanora's head snapped up. "Oh no," she groaned.

"Come on, get up." Phillipa helped Eleanora to her feet. "I made you this," she said, handing Eleanora a cup of coffee. "You look like you need it."

"Mmmm. Thanks."


Eleanora made it to the Great Hall just as Cedric was leaving. She ran and threw her arms around him.

"Hey," he whispered, and she noticed that his hands were shaking ever so slightly as he hugged her back.

She pulled away and held both of his hands in hers. "Hey. Are you okay? Are you nervous?"

"Are you okay?" Cedric let out a choked laugh. "You look awful."

"Yeah, thanks for that."


"I know, I know. Party in the common room last night, but I don't want to talk about that. Do you think you're ready? Do you need anything?" She moved her hands to his face, and then ran her fingers through his hair.

"I'm alright, I'll be fine," he said, but she could see the worry in his eyes.

"Oh, come here." Eleanora pulled him down into a tight hug. Cedric buried his face in her shoulder for a moment, taking a deep breath, and then straightened up again.

"I'll see you afterwards then." He detangled himself from her grasp.

"Be careful, will you?" she called after him. He blew her a kiss and disappeared out the oak front doors.


Eleanora, Fred, George, and Lee all trooped down to the stadium after they'd finished their breakfasts and found seats by Angelina and Alicia. The whole school was there, talking loudly and excitedly about the first task. Eleanora stared down at the pitch, trying to figure out what exactly the task would be. She didn't have to wait long before it was announced.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Ludo Bagman's voice boomed from the announcers box.

"It's him!" Fred hissed in Eleanora's ear. "It's Bagman!" Eleanora nodded her head. Fred let out an exasperated sigh and leaned over to George to relay the news.

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