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Over the course of the next month, Bill, Eleanora, and the rest of the Order fell into a new routine. Most of the members went back to their day jobs, trying their hardest to keep up appearances, and smaller meetings were held in secret. Eleanora spent most of her time at either Shell Cottage, Lupin and Tonks' house, and Auntie Muriel's place where the rest of the Weasleys were hiding.

At the end of the summer, Eleanora and Bill accompanied Mrs. Weasley in taking Ginny and Daisy back to King's Cross Station to send them back to school. There had been an ongoing debate between the adults of the house as to whether or not they should go back at all, but eventually Ginny and Daisy stepped in and both insisted on finishing out the school year. Eleanora hated the idea of Daisy going back to a school where Snape was the headmaster. She knew it could either keep her sister safer, or put a target on her back, and she didn't want to take that risk. "She can take care of herself," Bill would say every time Eleanora brought it up. "She's stronger than we all give her credit for."

Eleanora thought the opposite might be true. Of course her sister was strong, but she was also twelve years old. The Order tended to treat her as an equal because of how mature she acted, but Eleanora knew how scared she must be on the inside. Daisy and Ginny had told them all about the changes made at Hogwarts that year and it broke Eleanora's heart knowing Daisy would never have the same experiences she did. It just added one more reason Eleanora knew the Order had to win the war.

"What are you thinking about?" Bill asked after a long, drawn out silence over dinner at Shell Cottage one night in mid-September.

Eleanora jumped, her eyes moving from the window to Bill's serious face. "I haven't heard from Daisy in a few days is all."

Bill nodded, worry growing in his expression. "I'm sure she's fine, maybe she's just busy. I'll ask Mum if she's heard anything."

"Thanks." The lapsed back into silence and picked at their food. Both were too caught up in their own thoughts for conversation, but Eleanora sort of liked how they could have comfortable silence together. "Has anyone heard from Harry and Ron and Hermione?"

Bill shook his head. "As far as we know they're still at Grimmauld. Nobody wants to check in on them, though, because-"

"-we could all be getting tracked," Eleanora murmured. "I hate this."

Bill noticed how tightly Eleanora was squeezing her fork in her hand and her reached across the table to gently wrap his own hand around her fist. "It'll be okay. We'll all get through this."

Eleanora gazed at him with solemn eyes. "You don't know that."

"No, you're right. I don't." The worry grew in his eyes as he retracted his hand and went back to picking through the stew he and Eleanora had made together. "When's the next meeting?"

"Lupin and I were just talking about that-" Eleanora broke off as someone knocked on the door. Despite the fact that only Lupin, Tonks, and Mr. Weasley had the ability to see the house under the Fidelius charm, Eleanora and Bill were always apprehensive anytime someone knocked on their door. They stared across the table at each other for a split second and then Eleanora rose from her seat, saying, "I'll get it." Bill drew his wand and followed her.

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