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"Bill, how are we doing with the goblins?" Lupin asked, leaning against the table in the front of the room and looking out at the Order members scattered on various armchairs and couches.

Bill was sitting cross-legged on the arm of Tonks' chair, gazing intently at Eleanora, who was standing right next to Lupin at the front. "Ummm," he said after snapping out of his daze, "I believe we're making progress. Shifty creatures, goblins are, though."

Eleanora looked up from her notebook and as her eyes met Bill's they shared a knowing smile. Bill had been trying to recruit the goblins since the early days of the Order, and the two of them had a lot of running jokes about the miscellaneous answers he received.

"Right then," Lupin said, clearing his throat and looking back and forth between Bill and Eleanora, who both immediately looked down at the floor to keep from laughing out loud. Lupin gave them a teacher-level look of disapproval and then continued on with the meeting. "Deadalus? How's protection going?"

"Very well," Deadalus Diggle said pompously. "Very well. Hestia's visiting in on Potter's aunt and uncle as we speak."

"Good," said Eleanora, recovering and looking up again, careful not to look at Bill. "Tonks, any news from Hogwarts?"

"Things are bad," Tonks said simply, then she leaned forward with some struggle to grab a cookie from the spread on the center table. "Getting worse by the day."

"Fantastic," Fred called from his corner of the room, leaning against the wall next to George with his arms crossed over his chest. "Exactly what we need."

"Shut up, Fred," said Eleanora, going back to scanning her notes. "How's Potterwatch?"

This time, Lee was the one to speak up. He had been lounging in an armchair in front of the twins, feet propped up on the table, but as soon as his radio show was brought up he straightened looked suddenly intent. "We haven't been caught yet, so I'd call it a win," he said more seriously than Eleanora usually saw him. "I've been thinking about getting a little more... risky with it... but I wanted to run it by you guys first."

"What do you mean by risky?" asked Lupin.

"Giving more information, you know? Sort of like... Order meetings but anyone can listen. -Obviously I wouldn't say anything too classified, but what if Harry's listening?" He looked around the room, trying to gauge people's expressions.

Eleanora nodded her head slowly. "I like that idea. We can talk more about it this afternoon- we're doing lunch, right?"

"Yes!" Fred jumped in, "And if you cancel on us again, I'll personally summon the Death Eaters-"

"Fred!" Mrs. Weasley scolded, aghast. "Don't even joke-"

"Thank you, Molly," Lupin said, trying to diffuse the situation before it began. "Now, if there's no more formal business, I think we can adjourn..." He looked at Eleanora for confirmation.

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