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The rain only got harder as the train neared Hogwarts. When Eleanora and the group finally stepped out of Hogsmeade Station to sprint to the carriages that would take them to the school, they were soaked immediately.

"Hurry up!" George called from the front of the pack. They all splashed their way to the nearest carriage and George threw the door open, standing back to let the others in first. Eleanora climbed in after Angelina and settled down between her and Fred.

"Oi!" Fred said in disgust as she wrung her hair out on his leg.

"Sorry- hey!"

Fred had shaken his head back and forth like a dog, spraying water everywhere. In retaliation, she grabbed a corner of her robes and squeezed it on his lap. He pulled her into a head lock, trying to squeeze the water from his robes on her head.

"Stop it, you two," Alicia said, and Fred and Eleanora separated, coming up laughing.

When they arrived in the school, Eleanora wiped the water off of her face and pushed her hair back. "It's f-freezing," Fred said. "It's September, it shouldn't be this- AAH!" A water balloon had exploded on top of his head, soaking him again.

"HA!" Eleanora laughed as he sputtered. "Payback- thanks Peeves!" she called up to the poltergeist, who was floating around, chucking balloons at various students.

"PEEVES!" yelled an angry voice. "Peeves, come down here at ONCE!"

"Uh-oh," Eleanora said, pulling Fred away from Professor McGonagall, towards the Great Hall. "Come on, Freddie. It'll be warmer in there." They settled into their usual seats, Eleanora positioned between Fred and Lee.

"I'm gonna get Peeves back for that one," Fred muttered, shivering.

"Go stand by the fire for a minute," Eleanora murmured, but at that moment, the doors opened and Professor McGonagall led a long line of first years into the room.

Fred groaned and laid his head down on the table. "I forgot about the sorting."

Eleanora scratched his back comfortingly and then turned to look at the teacher's table.

"I wonder who the new Defense teacher is," Lee said, following her gaze.

She sighed. "I miss Lupin."

"He was a werewolf, Eleanora," Fred said drily, lifting his head.

"So? He was a really good teacher."

Fred shrugged and looked up to the front, where a small, mousy haired boy was sitting under the sorting hat.

"GRYFFINDOR!" the hat called, and the entire table erupted into applause.

After that, Eleanora mostly zoned out. It was her final year at Hogwarts, it wasn't like any of the new first years would be her friends.

At last, Dumbledore rose to speak before the meal started. "I have only two words to say to you," he told them, his deepvoice echoing around the Hall. "Tuck in."

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