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Eleanora sat on the front counter of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, watching as George ran the checkout and Fred helped customers find whatever they needed. Business was already booming at the store and Eleanora felt so proud of the success of her friends. After assisting a small girl with blonde pigtails in selecting a pigmy puff, he jumped up onto the counter with Eleanora. "Busy day, huh?"

Eleanora was staring at the far wall of the shop, her eyes slightly squinted. Fred leaned into her shoulder, looking at her in mild anticipation. "What?" Eleanora said, snapping out of her daze. "Yeah- yeah. Really busy."

"You alright?" Fred asked quietly. Eleanora nodded slowly, not convincing Fred for a second. "If this is about Mum, she'll come around."

Eleanora sighed and bit the inside of her cheek. "I just wanted her to be happy for us. She's like- she's like-"

"She's like your mum too," George said from behind them, leaning on the counter and looking up at Eleanora. "And she will be happy for you, really. She's talked about your wedding more than the rest of us combined over the years."

"And she likes you and Bill together," Fred said knowingly.

Eleanora snorted. "Could've fooled me."

"She does," said George. "Listen, it'll all be fine."

Fred grinned and pushed her shoulder. "Hey, you should be happy! You and Bill are getting married." He laughed and shook his head at the thought. He still hadn't wrapped his head around it entirely, but he was happy for Eleanora.

"That reminds me," said George. "We still haven't celebrated with you."

"How d'you want to celebrate?" Eleanora asked.

"Three Broomsticks tonight?"

"You're on."

Eleanora met the twins at the Three Broomsticks just as the summer evening was setting in, right after the twins had closed the store for the day. They found seats in their favorite booth near the back and ordered a round of butterbeers, just like the old days. "Ahhh," Fred sighed, leaning back in his seat. "Here's to our favorite sister becoming our real sister."

"Don't let Ginny hear you say that," Eleanora said with a grin, clinking bottles with the twins. "It all feels too good to be true."

George gave her a soft smile and rested an arm on the back of the booth behind her. "You deserve it, El. After... everything." They all sat in silence for a minute, remembering the events of the last year. "Anyways, d'you have any plans for the wedding yet?"

"Plans?" Eleanora laughed. "Georgie, he only asked me last night."

"Well- I didn't know if you had any ideas," George said defensively, putting his hands up in surrender.

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