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May, 1996

It was the night before Bill was supposed to go back to work when Mr. Weasley burst into his room with such force, Eleanora sat up with a start and hurried to grab her wand from the table. "Wand down, it's just me," Mr. Weasley snapped.

"Bloody hell, Dad..." Bill sat up and reached for a t-shirt. "What're you doing? It's the middle of the night."

"We have to go," Mr. Weasley said forcefully. He was still in his robes and Eleanora could tell he'd just gotten back from patrol duty. "There's been an attack at Hogwarts. People have reported seeing the Dark Mark. We've got to get there, Dumbledore's orders."

"What?!" Eleanora's eyes widened. "But Daisy-"

"Just hurry up and get ready. I'll meet you downstairs." Mr. Weasley turned and left the room. They could hear him taking the stairs two at a time to get Mrs. Weasley up.

Both Eleanora and Bill sprang out of bed and started throwing clothes on haphazardly. They were both thinking about their siblings at Hogwarts. What if something happened to Daisy? Eleanora thought, her mind reeling. She couldn't lose Daisy. The world couldn't lose Daisy. She was too bright and sunny and happy for it.

"She's going to be fine," Bill said, drawing Eleanora out of her thoughts and wrapping a jacket around her shoulders. "Everyone'll be fine." He seemed to be reassuring himself more than anyone.

"Wait a second," Eleanora turned to him. "You can't come."


"You're still recovering. You haven't even left the house yet-"

"We agreed I could go to work tomorrow, I'm not-"

"Working at the bank and battling Death Eaters are two very different things. I can't have you getting-"

Bill stepped forward and held Eleanora's face in his gentle hands. "El... I'm not going to get hurt. And if I do, we'll get through it. We've done it before, we'll do it again."


"I've got to be there for Ginny and Daisy and Ron and Harry. And most of all for you. I'm sick of seeing you run into danger without being there to help if you get hurt."

Eleanora bit dow on her lower lip and stared up at Bill, who looked so perfect in the moonlight filtering through the window. "Fine," she finally relented. "But stay close, okay?"

"Yes ma'am." Bill's face broke into a smile and he leaned down to kiss her, his arms wrapping around her middle. "And when we get home... we'll finish what we started..."

"The mood was ruined when your dad almost kicked our door in, sorry love."

"Damn." Bill grabbed his wand from the dresser and shoved it in the pocket of his robes. Then, taking Eleanora's hand, he led her out of the bedroom and down the stairs to the kitchen.

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