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"Get- off- me-" Fred said, pushing Eleanora away.

"Well- if you'd give me a second-" said Eleanora, rolling over and sitting up. She rubbed the back of her head, scrunching up her hair, and muttered, "I should've apparated with the others." A muscular arm reached down and her eyes trailed up to Cedric's face. She smiled and took his hand, letting him pull her up. "Thanks."

He grinned at her, and then realized he was sill holding her hand. They stepped apart immediately and simultaneously cast their gazes towards the ground. Neither of them had time to say anything though, because Fred was pretending to retch behind Eleanora. She stepped back to crush his foot under her own, but he just dodged and laughed. She got him back when he turned away by flicking her wand to make his shoelaces tie themselves together.

"HA!" she said as Fred fell, but he grabbed her on his way down and they both tumbled to the ground.

"Come on, you two," Mr. Weasley called behind him as Fred and Eleanora scuffled on the ground.

She was the first one up. "Coming!" She shot Fred a superior look and flicked her wand again to untie his laces. "First bit of magic outside of school," she said with a smirk, helping him up.

"Oh, this'll be fun," said Fred, rolling his eyes. They jogged to catch up with the others, Fred falling into step with George, and Eleanora striding next to Cedric.

"Who do you reckon'll win?" she asked him, dusting off her jeans.

He smiled, gazing over the deserted moor they were crossing. "I think... as much as I hate to admit it, I think Bulgaria'll win." Behind them, the twins scoffed.

"Bulgaria? The only good player they've got is Krum!" George said indignantly.

Cedric looked slightly awkward. "I think Krum might be enough, he's a great seeker."

"The Irish have got seven fantastic players, and you're saying Krum- Krum-!" Fred cried.

"Oi, Weasley," Eleanora said, raising an eyebrow at him. He gave her an annoyed look, but stopped arguing with Cedric.

A little further through the moor, they parted ways with the Diggorys. "I'll see you at the game then," Cedric said, turning hopefully to Eleanora.

"Yeah, I'll see you!" She ignored Fred and George's judgmental expressions and waved goodbye to Cedric and his father. They stopped at a little cottage where a muggle man was standing in the doorway.

"Morning!" Mr. Weasley said brightly as the twins and Eleanora hung back. They watched Mr. Weasley conversing with the man, and then turned back to each other.

"So, we don't have anything to sell today?" George said, looking hopefully at Eleanora.

She shook her head. "Molly got it all." The twins swore and started pulling things out of their pockets.

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