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It took nearly two months of persuading for Moody to finally allow Eleanora back into Order business. Even then, she was allowed on patrol duty only when accompanied with another member and couldn't go on any real missions yet. She supposed it made sense. She was the youngest member of the Order, and as much as she didn't let on, her old injuries from her last mission still hurt sometimes. Not being allowed on missions didn't bother her as much now that she was allowed out of the house. Eleanora was actually starting to think more about her original dream of becoming an apothecary. It had been almost a year since she'd left Hogwarts, and since then, she'd almost entirely forgotten her career plan. She thought more and more lately of finding a part-time apprenticeship nearby.

The snow was just starting to melt off of the street outside of Number 12 Grimmauld Place and the air was beginning to smell like spring when Moody finally offered Eleanora her first mission. It wasn't even a mission, really, and Moody hadn't planned on having Eleanora go, but it just worked out like that.

"Oi, kid," Moody barked. Eleanora's eyes shot open and she jumped. "Get up."

"What the hell?" Eleanora said, her voice slurred from sleep. "What's happened?" Moody never went upstairs in the Black family home, much less into Eleanora's bedroom. "What time is it?" She glanced at the clock. It read three-fifty in the morning. Eleanora groaned and lay back on her pillow.

"Don't complain now," Moody said. "I was thinking of taking you on a mission, but..."

Eleanora shot out of bed. "A mission? Where?"

Moody couldn't help smiling. "Don't get too excited. Apparently there was a scuffle with some Death Eaters at a muggle inn in Brighton. We're just going to investigate."

"Why there?" Eleanora asked, pulling a sweatshirt over the Weird Sisters t-shirt she'd stolen from Bill.

"That's what we're going to figure out. Meet me downstairs in five minutes or we're leaving without you." Moody stalked towards the door.

"Who else is coming?" Eleanora pulled a set of black robes over the sweatshirt, grabbed her wand off of her nightstand, and followed Moody.

"Lupin, Bill, Tonks, and Kingsley. You're replacing Arthur." Mr. Weasley was still on bedrest from his accident in the Department of Mysteries.

"We need that many people?" Eleanora asked, hopping down two steps at once. "Just for an investigation?" Moody turned to her with an odd expression.

"Have you learned nothing from me?" he said.

Eleanora shrugged. "I mean, I learned loads from you that year your were my teacher, but then again that wasn't really you..."

"Constant vigilince!" Moody cried in a voice that could've woken everyone in the house.

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