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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.


As they arrived at the hospital, Kihyun hurriedly entered at the emergency room, while Yoongi pulled Jimin inside a room and make him sit, "Y-Yoongi hyung" Yoongi looked at him and kissed his forehead, "I miss you beastie" Yoongi carefully treat Jimin's wounds.

Yoongi startled as Jimin hugged him, he was crying and buried his face at Yoongi's chest, "Beastie" Yoongi mumbled hugging him tight, "H-H-Hyung" he cried loud fisting Yoongi's shirt, "I'm sorry I was late beastie" Jimin shakes his head, "I-I miss you hyung" Jimin looked up at him.

The older cupped his cheeks wiping his tears and smiled, "I miss you too beastie" Jimin closed his eyes as he felt Yoongi's warmed soft lips, "I love you beastie" Jimin hugged him tightly, "I love-love you too"


"How's Minyo Daniel?" Jimin asked after calling him, "He's sleeping now Jimin, where are you? Are you alright?" Jimin smiled looking down, he startled as Yoongi held his hand, he shakes his head, "I'm fine, maybe I can go home tomorrow?" Yoongi nodded and caress his cheeks, "Yes tomorrow, please watch Minyo for me" he heard Daniel sighed, "Okay make sure your not hurt" Jimin giggled, "Don't worry" he end the called.

"Minyo is already sl-" his words cut off when he saw Yoongi glaring at him, "W-What?" Yoongi clicked his tongue, "Why do you have to giggled when your speaking at Daniel?" Jimin was shocked, "W-Why? I-Is there so-oh are you jealou-" "No!" Yoongi pulled away his hand, Jimin chuckled.

Yoongi looked at him, "What's funny?" Jimin shakes his head, "Nothing" he grabbed Yoongi's wrist and pulled him closer, "I love you" Jimin pressed his lips towards him, Yoongi taken back but after a second he kissed him back, he held Jimin's nape making the kiss deeper.

Jimin wrapped his hands at Yoongi's neck, the older slowly get on the bed slowly hovering Jimin, "Y-Yoongi" Jimin moaned between the kissed, the older swiped his tongue at Jimin's lips asking for entrance, Jimin open his mouth and gladly accepted the older's tongue.

Yoongi's tongue was everywhere inside the younger's mouth, tasting and exploring every corner, "Hmm" Jimin moaned, he's was breathing hard when Yoongi caressed Jimin's buds, Yoongi pulled away making Jimin whimpered, they both breathing heavy, "W-We should stop beastie, you have a wounds and bruises"

Jimin closed his eyes and gently nodded, "I really miss you hyung" his tears fall down on his cheeks, while Yoongi immediately wipe it away, "Me too beastie" he gave hime a last peck before covering the both of them with a blanket.


"He's fine now, all we have to do is wait for his wound to heal" Yoongi nodded, "Excuse me" the doctor walk out, Jimin looked down at Kihyun, "Thank you Kihyun" he held his hand Yoongi hold Jimin's other hand.

Jimin startled as the door open revealing two men, Jimin immediately went at Yoongi's back holding his hand tight, "Taehyun, Minho" Yoongi called, Jimin relax knowing it was Yoongi's friend, "How's Kihyun hyung?" Taehyun asked as they both went towards him, "He's out of danger, just wait for the wound to heal and he can go home" Minho nodded.

Taehyun smiled at Jimin as their eyes meet, "I'm glad you meet already hyung" Yoongi peek at his back, "You wait for a years to held him" Taehyun smiled widely, "We'll go now" Yoongi intertwine his hand at the younger, "Call me if he's awake" they both nodded, Taehyun waved at them.


"F-F-Father?" Minyo frowned, "H-How? He's Suga hyung" Jimin held his hand and caress his cheeks, "He will explain bub" Jimin sweetly smiled at him, Yoongi kneeled down, "C-Can I hugged you first? Son" Minyo went closer at him and let Yoongi hugged him, he hugged him tight, Jimin was crying while looking at them.

Jimin and Yoongi explain all what happen, Yoongi even told that he's the one who's putting money on Jimin's account and sending flowers for him, he said that Daniel is working for him to look after the both of them and Daniel knows all of this.

"A-A-All this time y-your are my father" Minyo cried, he immediately hugged Yoongi, "Now I have-have a father" Minyo mumbles, "You always have" Yoongi hugged him tightly.

Night comes, Jimin was resting his head on Yoongi's chest hugging his waist while the other hand was intertwine with the older's hand, "Hyung?" Yoongi hummed, "How did you meet Irene?" Yoongi stared at the ceiling.

"Wang adopted her" Jimin looked up at him, "Wang Jackson's sister, after their father knew that I killed Jackson they want to take revenged, the day that I asked you to run away, Irene dragged me on her car after our car exploded, she help me even though she knows that I killed his brother" Yoongi stated while brushing Jimin's hair.

"As I heard his father went furious after knowing that she save me, I pretend, I pretend that I lost my memory to keep you and Minyo safe, Wang wanted to killed you and Minyo, but when he knew that I lost my memories and it make you suffer too, he leave" Jimin's tears fall at Yoongi's chest, "I planned to take them down, slowly make their business lose, stealing their money, drugs, and make their men take my side"

Yoongi wiped Jimin's tears, "Kihyun help me, but that jerk kissed you in front of me" Jimin giggled, "He help me a lot but what he did making me fucking lost my mind, I almost killed him" Jimin stared at Yoongi's eyes, "B-But why did you try to shoot me?" Yoongi kissed the younger's the back of his hand, "I'm really sorry beastie, I didn't mean to scare you like that but Irene knows every move I make, I did that to scare you so you can't go back there"

"I literally get panic when I saw you there with Kihyun, I calm down my self to keep you and our son safe with the Wang" Jimin stared at Yoongi, he sweetly smiled at him making Yoongi deeply sighed, "Why?" Jimin asked, the older shakes his head, "Just-Just don't smile like that to any one except me"

Yoongi stated while his ears turned red making Jimin giggled, "I won't hyung" Jimin give him a peck on his cheeks, "Cheeks? Really beastie?" Jimin laughed, the younger moved closer to him and smashed his soft lips towards Yoongi's, "Satisfied?" Jimin asked, "No"

Yoongi held the younger's waist turning him around hovering him earning a gasp, "H-Hyunggg" he whined, "I miss you beastie" he caressed Jimin's cheeks tucking the strand of his hair, Jimin wrapped his hand on Yoongi's neck, "I miss you too hyung"

Yoongi leaned closer claiming Jimin's plump lips, Jimin pulled him closer kissing him back, Yoongi's hands travel down at the younger's waist, held the hem of his shirt removing it, he pulled away and lean towards Jimin's neck sucking making a hickey.

Yoongi was ready to removed his shirt when they heard a soft knocked, "Dad? Mom?" Jimin looked up at Yoongi with his wide eyes,"Fuck" Yoongi cursed, he removed his shirt and wear it on Jimin, "Mooom....Daaad?" Yoongi immediately stepped out of there bed and walk towards the door.

As he open the door he saw his son standing rubbing his eyes, "I want to sleep with you" he said, Yoongi sighed, he held Minyo's wrist stopping him from rubbing his eyes, "Okay let's sleep together"


Happy New Year ami borahe

Happy New Year ami borahe

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