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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.


Yoongi sighed, he loosen his tie after taking a seat then he press the intercom, "Do I have another appointment?" he asked massaging his temple, "For now Mr. Min you have a meeting with Mr. Jeon and Mr. Kim at 2 and that's all" Yoongi sighed, "Okay"

He get his phone and looked if Jimin contact him, "Aish I told you to call me beastie" he press the call button, place the phone on his ear and leaning his head on his swivel chair, Yoongi frowned when Jimin's phone keeps ringing.

The number you have dialled is now unattended, please try your call later.

Yoongi looked at his phone screen, he press the call button again, and it keeps ringing.

The number you have dialled is now unatten-

Yoongi press the red button then immediately dialled Daniel's number, "Sire?" Yoongi straighten his back, "Is Jimin home?" he immediately asked, "Not yet sire, why?"

"Fuck!" he cursed, "Try to call him, he didn't answer all my call" Yoongi grits his teeth, "Sire I think Taehyung and Jimin are having fun" Daniel said, Yoongi hung up and dialled Jungkook's, "Hyun-" "Where is Taehyung?"

"He's with me, why?" Yoongi eyes widen, "What?!" he clenched his fisted, "Taehyung called Jimin that he can't go because of Taegguk's appointment on his dentist"

"Fuck it!" he shouted, "Hyung? What happen?" Yoongi inhale and exhaled, "I can't contact Jimin" Yoongi mumbles, "Does Daniel k-"

"He's not home either, shit" Yoongi punched his table, "Wait I'll try to call hi- Jungkook what happen?" Yoongi heard Taehyung's voice and Yoongi immediately hung it up.

He tried to call Jimin's number again but just the operator answering him, "Fuck beastie answer it!"


Jimin groaned, he held his head and slowly open his eyes, blinked a couple times until his vision clearly, "W-What?.. where am I?"he mumbles, he sit up and looking every where, the room was so expensive, massive, furniture was shinning.

He tried to remember what happen, but all he knows was talking with Jae, giving his number to him and after that he got dizzy, he slowly stood up and looked outside the window, he saw huge buildings.

He step back and went towards the door, but when he tried to open it, "Lock?" he immediately knocked the door hoping someone can open it outside, "Hello? Someone? Please help me" he shouted when he heard a sounds of keys the door open revealing a girl wearing a maid clothes.

"Mr. Min your awake" she smiled, "I bet your hungry, here eat this" giving a tray of food, Jimin shakes his head, "No. Where the hell am I?" he asked, the girl looked at him still smiling, "Don't worry Mr. Min, your safe" she said, but Jimin isn't satisfied with her answer.

"I'm going home" Jimin walked pass through her, "What? No, you can't master will get mad" she said holding Jimin's wrist, Jimin shoved her hand away, "I don't care my family must be waiting for me" she shakes her head, "You don't have family except master, Mr. Min"

With that Jimin frowned, "What the hell are you talking abo-"

"Your awake love" the girl immediately bowed as she saw the man behind Jimin, Jimin still frowning while he turned around and see who was it, "You?" Jimin step back away from him.

"Yea it's me love" he smiled at him, he gesture the girl to leave and she immediately comply, "W-What's with the word love Mr. Jae" Jimin frowned, "Why? Did I make you feel uncomfortable?" he asked, Jimin stoop up straight and looked directly at him, "Yes it is, I have husband already Mr. Jae so it's not nice hearing that word from you" Jimin said while Jae chuckled.

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