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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.

I have new story, it's Yoonmin ff again, I hope you all like/ love it💜

I have new story, it's Yoonmin ff again, I hope you all like/ love it💜

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Jimin slowly open his eyes seeing he was on a bed, it was a different room, but he then remember what happen, he looked down at his body searching if he has a wound, he deeply sighed, he place his hand on his chest because still wasn't calmed.

He slowly stand up and went in front of the door, as he open he frowned, he was at Suga's office, it was connected with Suga's office, he step forward, he decide to go home he don't want to see Suga again, he was so scared not fir his self but for his son, he don't want to leave his Min-yo just because of Suga.

As his palm was about to hold the door knob it moves and the door opened, he immediately stepped back, his breath hitch as he saw Suga looking coldly at him while he has cancer stick on his lips, he hold his chest tight as he breath hard, "Your awake" he spoke and Jimin smelled the cigaret, "I-I-I'm so-sorry- I'm sorry" Jimin mumbles and avoid Suga's eyes, Suga step inside making Jimin flinched and immediately stepped back trying to stay away from Suga, afraid of what will he do again.

Suga closed the door and leaned in, "I-I won't-won't annoy you a-again..p-please just let me go" Jimin said with his shaky voice, "I don't have a plan to keep you here" Suga inhales his smoke and exhale it, "I-I-I can leave-leave?" Jimin looked at him, Suga clicked his tongue, "I'm not even stopping you"


"Jimin! Where did you go?" Daniel immediately run towards him, " the mall" Jimin walk passed at Daniel, as he went inside Min-yo and Holly run towards him, "Mom!" Jimin looked down at him, "Where were you? We're so worried you didn't even answer our messages and ca-" Min-yo cut his words when Jimin immediately hugged him, buried his face at his son's neck, "Mom?" Jimin hugged him tightly as his tears fall down, "W-Why are you crying?" Min-yo hugged him back then he looked up at Daniel.

"Mom, are you hurt? Why are-" Jimin pulled away and cupped Min-yo's both cheeks, "I'm...I'm sorry" Jimin cried caressing his son's cheeks, "W-Why? Why are you saying sorry?" Min-yo's asked, Jimin saw his son's eyes full of concern, he smiled and wiped away his tears, "N-Nothing love, I just get you worried about for me, I'm sorry" Jimin kissed Min-yo's head, "I love you" Jimin wispher and his son immediately reply and hugged him.


Three past Jimin tried to forget Suga, he keep telling to his self that it's his hyung, his not Yoongi, "Mom can we go now?" Min-yo asked, Jimin looked at him and giggled, "Just wait at the car love, I need to grabbed my bag upstairs" Minyo nooded and runned out side where Daniel is.

They have to buy staffs for their outing for Minyo's birthday, he wished to go at the beach and Jimin's granted his wish, "Let's get beverages" Jimin pushed their cart but immediately stopped and looked behind, "I forgot, Daniel can you please get the some napkins and also a shrimp, so we can be fast" Jimin said, Daniel hesitate but he comply and immediately leave.

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