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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.


Minyo was so excited, jumping all around the house and smiling widely, "Hyung!!!! Let's goooo" Minyo said while dragging Daniel out of the house, "Okay okay, you don't have to drag me" Daniel chuckled.

Jimin was busy putting the foods inside the bag while his phone ringing, "Hello Tae?" Jimin answered, "Jiiiiim we're almost there you should be ready when we got there" Jimin chuckled, "Okay I got it, be safe" Taehyung hum before ending the call, "Mooooom!" Jimin looked up seeing his son pouting, "Faster Taehyung and Jungkook hyung will be here"


As they all arrived Minyo can't stop his self from jumping pointing at every amazing and beautiful things he sees, "Minyo let's check first" Jimin called him, Minyo smiled at him widely, "Mom I want to swim now" Jimin chuckled, "You have to change first okay" Minyo nodded, the staff gave their room keys, Jungkook, Taehyung and Taegguk was infront of Jimin and Minyo's room, while Daniel was next to them.

"Taegguk! Change fast so we can swim already" Minyo shouted before Jimin closed their room door, "Daddy where is my swimwear?" Jimin heard Taegguk he immediately smiled, "Moom I need to change now" Minyo whined, Jimin looked at him and chuckled, "Pouting in front of me bub" Jimin teased then Minyo immediately frowned.


"Minyo Taegguk don't go far away from us okay" Jimin shouted while the two boys playing, "Okay!" Taehyung clicked his tongue, "Jimin don't worry Daniel is there they'll be safe" Taehyung stated while sipping his juice under the big umbrella with Jungkook, "But Tae I just want to be sure" Jimin was anxious, he look at the two boys every second making sure they're fine" Jimin said while still looking at Minyo and Taegguk.

Taehyung stand up and held Jimin's shoulder, "Jimin we're here too relax and also celebrate Minyo's birthday later Taehyung make Jimin sit and give him cold mango shake, "But you know I ca-" Taehyung hum, "Yea yea but don't you think will Daniel let them drown or something, just relax okay" Taehyung said calmly while Jimin let a loud sigh and nodded.

Minutes later Minyo and Taegguk run towards them, "Here" Jimin place a towel at Minyo, "I'm hungry" Minyo said while looking at their table, "What do you want bub?" Jimin asked while smiling at him, "Chikin!" Minyo widely smiled revealing his gummy smile, "Me too I want chikin!" Taegguk raised his hand, Taehyung and Jungkook chuckled, "Okay take you sit and your chikin will be there" Jimin said, while the two boy comply.

"Daniel come and eat" Jimin invite him, Daniel smile and just grabbed some can coke, "Minyo faster let's play again" Taegguk jumping while waiting for Minyo to finished his food, "Taegguk stop jumping!" Taegguk looked at his Dad, "I'm sorry dad" Jungkook nodded while Taehyung immediately looked at him, "You can say that calmly Gguk" Taehyung angrily pouted at him, Jungkook sighed and caress Taehyung's cheeks, "I'm sorry, I won't do it again" he said before giving a peck at Taehyung's lips.

Minutes past Jimin feel like he has to use comfort room, he glance at his son then to Jungkook and Taehyung who's playing with the two boys, he just sighed and immediately stand, "Just a quick toilet break" he looked at his son before going inside the hotel, he was half way through the elevator when he saw a very familiar face.

"Hyung" he mumbled, "Seokjin hyung!" Jimin shouted, Seokjin looked at him, his eyes widen when he saw Jimin running towards him, "Jimin!" Jimin hugged him, "Hyung where were you? Where is Namjoon hyung?" Jimin hurriedly asked, "Jimin, ohmy-I miss you" Seokjin hugged him again, "Hyung! Where is Namjoon hy-"

"Jimin" they both looked at their side, Jimin eyes went teary when he say Namjoon, "Hyung!" Jimin hurriedly walk towards him and grabbed his both arms, "H-Hyung where-where is Yoongi? Where is Y-Yoongi hyung?" Jimin started crying looking up at Namjoon, "Jimin, calm down" Seokjin said while rubbing Jimin's back when he notice how Jimin tremble.

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