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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.


"Mr. Min?" the maid enter the room carry a tray of food, "Here's your lunch" she said but Jimin didn't response, she was about to put the tray on the but as she notice the breakfast that she served didn't touch.

"Mr. Min you didn't eat your food again" she looked at him worriedly, Jimin just closed his eyes, "Where is my clothes?" Jimin asked as he notice when he woke up that he's just wearing a white long sleeve and a blue boxer.

"Master ordered me to throw it away" she said, "I don't want this clothes, I want my clothes back!" Jimin said while his tears falls down to his face, it was Yoongi's clothes, and he want it back.

"I'm sorry" she mumbles, Jimin sit up and looked at her, "Please h-help me" Jimin cried more, she looked at him with pity, "I'm really s-sorry" she mumbles, she leave the food on the table and leave, Jimin stare at the door and tear stream down his face.


Jimin startled as Geum slammed the door open, he looked at him and fear envelop his face, Geum walks towards him and smirked, he lean towards him while Jimin move away but Geum hold his ankle and pull him close.

"Hi~love" he mumbles, Jimin stared at him, "Y-Y-Your drunk G-Geum" he said as he tried to release his ankle with Geum's grip.

"L-Let me go!" Jimin tried to kick him but he failed, Geum was drunk but he's still strong, he pushed Jimin down and hovered over him, "N-N-No! S-stop~ let go!" he shouted and a loud slapped land on Geum's face, facing at the side.

Jimin gulped, he was about to move away when Geum glared at him and stand, he removed his belt and unzipped his zipper, pulling down his pants, Jimin looked at him still tears falling down at his cheeks, "AHHHHHHH!" Jimin screamed as Geum grabbed his hair tight and make him kneeled down in front.

"L-Let gooo!" he held Geum's wrist, his eyes widen when Geum pulled down his boxer revealing his member, he position it on Jimin's lips, Jimin closed his eyes and mouth tight, not wanting to taste him, Geum slapped him hard, "Open your mouth or I'll open it forcedly"

Jimin shakes his head he looked at the side avoiding Geum's member, he then notice the door were slightly open and seeing Geum's maid crying outside, covering her mouth looking at him.

"H-H-Help m-ahhhhh!" Geum gripped his hair tightly and this time he enter at Jimin's mouth, "Try to use your teeth and I'll pluck them one by one" he warned.

Jimin cried as Geum moving his hips, he was piercing his nails at Geum's thighs while Geum's hitting his throat, as he open his eyes Jimin meet Geum's maid eyes.


"Any update?" the man asked as he hits his cigarette, his secretary bowed, "Sire the mafia king Min Yoongi was alive" the man turned around his chair and looked at his secretary, "That Min Yoongi?" the secretary nodded, "He fake it, he was protecting his family, Suga and Min Yoongi are one"

He smirked, "Then seoul still have a king huh" he was about to stand when his secretary spoke, "Another sire, the target was no longer at Min Yoongi's house" he glance back at him.

"What do you mean?" he immediately asked, "He was with Min Geum's hand right now sire and Min Yoongi didn't know it" he said while the other man smirked, "Then Geum make our job more easier, tell our mens to went at Geum's mansion"

"What about you sire?" the man laughed, "Geum is just a piece of cake rather than Yoongi so my men can do it without me but of course I want to watch a live action" he laughed.


"Mr. Min" Jimin felt a slight tapped on his arm, he slowly open his eyes seeing Geum's maid, he slowly sat up and notice he was wearing a different clothes.

Tears starts to stream down when he remember what Geum's did to him, "I-I'm sorry I didn't h-help you last-last night Mr. Min" she mumbles looking at her hands, "I-It's not your fault" Jimin said looking at her.

Jimin was about to stand when she stop him, "M-Master wasn't here-" Jimin sighed, "That's a great ne-" her hand reach at her pocket, Jimin eyes widen when he saw Geum's maid holding his phone, "H-How?"

"It's not time to explain but-all I can do is this, after I saw what master did last night, I felt so guilty for not s-saving you" Jimin looked at her meeting her eyes, "Y-You'll be in trouble" he murmured, but the maid smiled at him, "I don't care so please call someone to help you"

She gave Jimin's phone before standing up and went out, she looked back at him before completely out of the room, "I'll knock if Master is here or some of his guys"

Jimin cried, he open his phone with his trembling hands, he saw many miss calls and texts but he ignored it, he immediately dialled Yoongi's number and praying to answer the call, "H-H-Hyung"

After a few rings he answer, "BEASTIE! JIMIN?" Jimin cried more hearing Yoongi's voice, "H-H-Hyung" Jimin said while looking at the door, "Fuck! Jimin where are you? Tell me what can you see?"

"H-Hyung-o-only tall building I s-s-see, p-please- please save me" Jimin answer while wiping his tears, "FUCK! JUNGKOOK! JUNGKOOK! Jimin's phone was on, immediately track it!" he heard Yoongi's shout.

"Beastie, listen, don't you ever turn off your phone, I'll come and save you okay? " Jimin nodded even Yoongi can't see, "JUNGKOOK HURRY!" he shouts, "H-Hyung I-I k-know-know who g-"

Jimin's words cut off when he heard an multiple knocks, "He's here" he mumbles, he hurriedly put the phone inside his pants and cover his self with the blanket, he flinched when he heard the door open.

Hyung please hurry.


"He's here" Yoongi heard Jimin's mumbles, his eyes widen, "BEASTIE? JIMIN?" he glance at his phone and the call wasn't ended, "FUCK! Jungkook fucking hurry!" he glared.

"Hyung! Don't rush him or he can't do his work properly" Hoseok said while helping Jungkook, "Hyung trust Jungkook he can immediately track Jimin" Namjoon patted him, Yoongi shoved his hand and deeply sighed, "I will fucking kill him if Jimin got hurt" Yoongi grits his teeth.

"Your still sleeping love?" Yoongi froze as he heard the voice on the phone, "Did I make you tired last night" he laughed, "D-D-Don't touch m-me" he heard Jimin's voice.

Yoongi tightly gripped his phone, "So your awake hmm what about let's eat lunch together?" Yoongi growls, he can't be wrong, he definitely knows the voice.

"I-I said don't touch me-me, please" Jimin cries and the call ended, "I'm surely know this voice, this is fucking Geum" Hoseok and Namjoon immeditely turn their gaze towards him, "Geum!?" they both mumbles.

"I found him!" Yoongi looked at Jungkook, "I'll kill you Min Geum-Jae"


Stay safe and healthy.😘

Love lots💜

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