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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar english isn't my first language.



Author POV
Jimin immediately walk towards at the man he saw and he keep saying sorry to the people he bumping.

"Y-Yoongi!" He shouted his name but he didn't even stop and looked at his back.
"MIN YOONGI!" Jimin extended his hand and grabbed Yoongi's arm making him stop and looked at him.

"Y-Yoongi" tears keep streaming down at his cheeks, he didn't waste any time and immediately hugged him tight, buried his face on his chest.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Yoongi immediately pushed him away making him stumble and fall on the floor.

"H-Hyung, what are y-you....s-saying?" Jimin stay still at the floor looking at Yoongi.
Yoongi glared at him, "Why the fuck did you hugged me!?" He growls.

People keep staring at him, some are pitying Jimin and some of them are laughing at him.
"Y-Yoongi, i-it' J-Jimin, p-p-please stop acting! M-Min-Yo, w-we keep waiting, praying your s-safe."

Yoongi frowned looking down on him, "I don't know you" he turned around ready to walk away when Jimin immediately stand up grabbing his arm. "P-P-Please Y-Yoongi, d-don't d-d-do this."

Yoongi looked at him, glaring, "Don't fucking touc-"
"What's going on here?" Yoongi cut his words, as girl voice stop him.

"You! What are you doing to my man?" Jimin looked at his back seeing the girl earlier.

My man?

The girl clung her hand on Yoongi's arm while glaring at Jimin, "Y-Your man?" "Lets go Irene" Yoongi said, he grabbed her hand and they started walked, "Y-Yoongi" Jimin try to stop him by holding his arm, "Yoongi...please" Yoongi and Irene looked back at him, Jimins tears keep streaming down looking at Yoongis cold eyes, "You stupid bitch, don't you dare touch my fiancé" she pushed him making Jimin fall back down on the ground, again.

"IRENE!" Yoongi shouted, he glared at her, "What? He deserved it" Yoongi grabbed her arms tight and pulled her close, "Don't make a fucking scene. You know your father don't want to ruined his image just because of your stupid actions." Yoongi wisphered, she rolled her eyes and shove Yoongis grip.

She looked down at Jimin and glared, "Bitch" she walked away leaving Yoongi and Kihyun, "Hey let me help you" Kihyun extended his hand and Jimin accept it.

Kihyun looked at Jimins hand, "Your hurt" Jimin looked at his hand too, it has a scratch and it was bleeding, Kihyun took out his handkerchief and wrapped it all the way at Jimins hand, "T-Thank you" Jimin mumble.

Then Jimin looked back at Yoongi, "H-Hyung" Yoongi went towards him, "Look, stop calling me Yoongi cause I'm not him, I don't even know you, so stop before I'll do something to you."

Before he leaves Yoongi glance at Kihyun, "I'll follow you in a minute" Kihyun state, Yoongi turned and walk away, "B-But..." Jimin was about to follow him when Kihyun held his arm, "Don't, didn't you heard him? He's not that Yoongi guy, he was my friend Suga" Jimin looked at him, "Suga? But....he was so looked like Yoongi" Kihyun sighed, "I'm sorry but it's not, and I'm sorry on what Irene did" Jimin looked at his back looking at Yoongi but he wasn't there anymore.

"Is your back alright??" Jimin wiped his tears, "Yes, I...I have to go" he walked away but Kihyun held his hand, "I can drive you home" Jimin stared at him, "No thank you, I can g-"

"Jimin!" They both turned their heads seeing Taehyung running towards him, Kihyun let go of his hand as he saw him, "T-Taehyung..." Jimin run towards him and immediately hugged him tight, "W-What's wrong why are you crying?" Taehyung asked while rubbing his back, Taehyung looked at Kihyun and immediately glared at him, "What did you do to him?!" Kihyun just coldly stared at him.

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