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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.


"Jimin!" Yoongi shouted he was about to jump when Lee point his gun towards Jimin while Lee's men point their gun towards Yoongi's men, "One more step Min and all his blood will spread here" Yoongi glared at him, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook, Soobin and Taehyun immediately point their gun at Lee's men.

"Give me the necklace and I'll let him free" Lee said while still looking at Yoongi, "Hmmmmm-" Jimin struggles, shaking his head looking at Yoongi.

Yoongi stood up straight, "I will give it to you if Jimin is already safe and in my hands." Yoongi said clenching his hand, "Oh no no, I'm the one who should decide Min"

Lee put his gun down and lift a remote, "Just give it or your Jimin will drown an instant." Yoongi parted his mouth, Yoongi signal his men to put their gun down, "Hyung" Namjoon was about to protest but Yoongi looked at him and nodded.

"With just one click and that water will fill up fast and drown him to death" Lee smirked, Yoongi sighed, he extended his hand in front of him and let the necklace fall on the floor.

Lee grinned, as he was about to walk towards the necklace a sound of gun heard inside the room making them all duck, "What the fuck!" Lee shouts, as Lee stood up more armed men entered the room together with Daniel, Kihyun and Yeonjun.

"What the hell are you all doing, shoot them!" Lee shouted to his men, while Yoongi was about to get Jimin, Lee pressed the remote causing all the water come out of the big hose, "Hmmmm.mmm-" Jimin cried as the water going up to his waist so fast.

"Jimin!" Yoongi shout, Lee smirked, "You make a wrong move Min" Yoongi glance back at him, Yoongi grabbed the necklace faster than Lee, "You fucking shit" Lee throw a punch and land on Yoongi's lips.

Yoongi looked back at Jimin and notice the water was near to his shoulder, "Fuck!" he mumbles, he get up and ready to jump in the pool when Lee held him and pushed him far from the pool.

Yoongi clenched his fist, he immediately run towards Lee and throw a punch to his face, they keep throwing fist to each other but none of them get tired, blood dripping and coughing, as Lee land on the ground Yoongi hit Lee's until his face bleed and swollen.

Jimin keeps on trying to removed the cloth on his mouth when he felt the water was on his neck already, as in his last try the cloth fall down and immediately looked at the mess, bullets are flying, blood and wounded bodies scattered.

He looked for Yoongi and he saw him throwing punches on Lee, "H-H-HYUNG!" he shouted, Yoongi looked at him and the water was on Jimin's mouth, "Jimin!"

Jimin raise his head up to catch more air but the water rise up, he deeply exhale until the water covered him, "Fuck!" Yoongi hurriedly dive in and try to lift up the younger but Jimin was still tied up the chair.

Jimin can't breath, he release the air he was holding until he pass out, Yoongi untie Jimin's feet and hurriedly lift him up out of the water, "J-Jimin-" Yoongi shake him but the younger didn't respond, Yoongi gently tapped his cheeks but still no movement.

He immediately covered Jimin's nose and give him CPR.

"Fuck beastie wake up" again he gave Jimin's CPR, Jimin coughed releasing all the water from his mouth, "Shit" Yoongi hugged him tight while Jimin crying burying his head at Yoongi's chest, "I'm sorry beastie" Yoongi mumbled.

But as Jimin open his eyes he saw Lee pointed a gun towards Yoongi's back, his eyes widen and to his last strength he push aside Yoongi and catch the bullet for him.

"JIMIN!" Yoongi immediately catch him holding his chest, "H-H-Hyung-" Yoongi's eyes teared up, he grabbed a random gun and shoot Lee multiple times until theres no bullets left.

"J-Jimin-hey beastie, your gonna be okay hmm? Just hold on" Yoongi held Jimin's hand tight and kissed his forehead, "JUNGKOOK!" Yoongi called him and glance back at Jimin, Jimin smiled at him, "I-I love y-you *cough hyung" Yoongi nodded, "Y-Yes I know, I love y-you too, hold on okay?"

Jimin slowly nodded but slowly he closed his eyes, "N-No Jimin..love-hey b-beastie...fuck !"


Months pass

"Hey sorry we didn't visit you often" Yoongi place a flower on tombstone as well as Minyo, "How are you there?" Yoongi said, Minyo gently trace his fingers at the name engrave, "It's my birthday today" Minyo mumbled, "I wish I was there to protect you" Minyo sadly, Yoongi patted Minyo's head.

Phone ringing...

"Minyo we have to go" Yoongi said worriedly, Minyo looked up at him and nodded, he looked back at the tombstone, "We'll go hyung, but I promise we will visit you again together with mom"


Yoongi hurriedly enter the room together with Minyo, his son immediately run towards the bed and hugged him, "Moooom!" Minyo cried, "Minyo" Jimin murmured, while tears streaming down his face, Minyo pulled away and cupped Jimin's face, "I-I'm glad your awake" Jimin smiled at him, "H-Happy birthday love" Minyo smiled while wiping Jimin's tears, "We just visit Sujim hyung, I promised him that we'll visit again together with you" Jimin smiled sweetly at him.

Jimin glance at the door, seeing Yoongi still standing at his spot, tears falling down to his cheeks, "B-B...Beastie" Jimin sweetly smiled at him, "Hi hyung" Yoongi hurriedly walked towards him hugging him while Jimin wrapped his hands on Yoongi's waist.

"You really scared me to death beastie" Yoongi whispered, Yoongi pulled away and stare at Jimin's eyes, "Why did you do that huh? You can definitely die Jimin!" Yoongi said wiping Jimin's tears, "T-Then you will" Yoongi grits his teeth, "I don't care...fuck, don't you ever do that again Min Jimin"

Jimin nodded smiling at him, "Fuck!" Jimin startled as Yoongi smashed his lips towards him, Jimin slowly closed his eyes and kissed him back, "Do you guys forget that I'm here?" Jimin pushed away the older and looked at Minyo who's crossing his arms on his chest.

Jimin blushed, Yoongi glance at Minyo and wink, "It's-It's your fault hyung!" Jimin hit Yoongi's chest, the older leaned towards his ear, "You kissed me back beastie" Jimin gasped.

The end.

I finished it already, I hope you guys like it.
Thank you.

Always stay safe and healthy, love lots.💜

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