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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.


"M-Mom" Minyo keeps on looking around searching for Jimin, "M-Minyo g-g*cough go hide" Minyo looked down and Daniel while his tears falling down to his cheeks, they was hiding behind the counter inside the canteen, "I-I-I won't l-leave you hyung" Minyo bravely said while looking at Daniel's abdomen, he put his shaky hand on Daniel's wound trying to stop the blood to flowing, "Argh! M-Minyo l-listen to me, I-I'll be*cough fine you have to hi-"


Minyo closed his eyes tight as they heard a loud explosion, "NO HYUNG! I'll stay be your side!" Daniel slightly smiled, "You're really like your father" Minyo keeps on crying while holding Daniel's wound while the other hand was holding so tight at Daniel's hand.

"I hope..I hope your mother is f-fine" Daniel mumbles, "H-Hyung I'm worri-" Minyo words cut off when a shadow appear in front of them, as he looked up he immediately cry harder, "S-Suga hyung!!!" Minyo cries looking at Suga, "Minyo" Suga looked down at Daniel and he saw how much blood on his hand and even at Minyo.

"Let's go" Suga extended his towards Minyo, "H-How about Daniel h-hyung?" Minyo asked looking at Daniel, "I-I'll be*cough fine" Daniel assure him, "My friend will go back for him, now let's go" Suga stated, Minyo looked at Daniel, "P-P-Promise me that you'll back to us hyung" Minyo sniffed while Daniel nodded, "Words hyung" Minyo groan and Daniel chuckled, "O-Okay I promise, n-now go"

Suga carry Minyo running fast towards the hotel but then a group of men block their way, "Suga" the man smirked looking at him, "Fuck" Suga curse as he peck at his back seeing two men, "Who's that kid?" Suga glared at him, "What are you doing here" Suga tighten his hug at Minyo, "Just want some fun Suga, you don't like it?" he laughed, "I even surprise you with those bombs"

Suga cursed, "Now give us the code" Suga frowned, "What the fuck are you saying!" Minyo buried his face at Suga's neck and tighten his grip, "Ha you know what I'm talking about, just hand it to me then we're done" he shrugged, "Then we're done, I don't know what code you're dying to know Park"

"You leave us no choice" he looked at his man and nodded, Suga looked at them and glared, "S-Suga hyung I'm s-scared" Minyo mumbles at his neck, "Just keep your eyes close Minyo" Minyo slightly nodded.

The four men pointed their gun towards them but Suga didn't make any emotion, fearless, he just looked at them while pointing his gun towards Park, "Don't act too brave Min, we're five your just one and with a kid" Park smirked while Suga boringly stare at him.

"I'm not fucking acting you are"Suga smirked then Park smirked, "Acting brave cause your sheep pets together with you" Park glared at him, "Really Min, put your fucking gun down, Min is mine" Park smirked while his pets complied, "Now we're fair" Suga sneer, "Fuck you!" Park pointed his gun and Suga immediately turn side and pointed his gun too.

"I wonder who's that kid" Suga shrugged, "None of you fucking business Park" Park load his gun but before he can pull the trigger someone shoot him down together with his sheep, "HYUNG!" Minyo cries as he heard too many gun shot, Suga looked where the bullet came from and he saw Kihyun, Minho together with the three kids Yeonjun, Beomgyu and Taehyun.

Suga hurriedly run when they saw another group of men, the three kids where busy shooting them down while Kihyun and Minho try to clear Suga's way.

He was too close at the hotel, "Suga look out!" Kihyun shouted as he saw a man aiming a fire towards him, Suga cover Minyo and turn his side making the bullet pierce at his left arm, "Argh!" they both fall down, Suga looked at the man shot him, "S-Suga hyung" Minyo cried, "Keep your eyes close!" Minyo comply while Suga held his left arm, Suga immediately shoot the guy dead and looked at Minyo, "L-Let's go"

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