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*Ignored the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.


"Good...morning mommy" Minyo yawned rubbing his eyes as he entered the kitchen, "Good morning bub" Jimin chuckled seeing how mess his sons hair, "Minyo stop rubbing your eyes" Minyo pouted and nodded, he take a seat on the high chair and lean his head on the counter, "What's for breakfast mom?" Minyo asked with his sleepy eyes.

"Guess it" Jimin smiled, "*Yawn* What-What is it mom?" Jimin removed his apron and went towards his son, "Stop rubbing your eyes" Minyo closed his eyes and nodded, "What's for breakfast" he pouted, Jimin give him a peck on his forehead, "Your favourite" as he said that Minyo shot his eyes open, Jimin chuckled, Minyo immediately looked at Jimin, "Meat?"

Jimin laughed at his reaction, "Cute, yes it's meat" Minyo looked at him with so much love in his eyes, "Mooooom" Minyo called him with his shaky voice, "Hahaha oh my-Minyo why so dramatic" Minyo hugged him tight, "Thank you" Jimin laughed and kissed his forehead, "Welcome hahaha now let go so I can set the table" Minyo nodded and sweetly smiled at him.

After eating, Jimin stared at his son, "Bub" he called, Minyo looked up at him, "Hmm?" tilting his head while munching his mochi, "I haven't give you my gift for your birthday right? Because of what happen on the resort" Minyo drink his milk, "It's not important mom, what matter is that your safe after that incident" he smiled, Jimin looked at him, ready to cry but he stop his self, smiled at his son and hold his hand.

"But I want to give my gift that night" Minyo smiled, Jimin stand and went towards his room and grabbed the paper bag before going down at the living room, "Here bub" Jimin give the bag and peck Minyo's head, "Happy birthday, belated happy birthday bub" Minyo hugged him tight and place a kiss at Jimin's check, "Thank you mom" Jimin ruffles his hair, "Open it"

Minyo pulled away and carefully open the bag,l revealing a box in it, he take out the box, "A phone?" Minyo asked looking up at smiling Jimin, "I give you that so I can contact you" Jimin smiled, "And we can contact each other when something important or something happen" Jimin decided to buy him a phone in chase of emergency, after that incident at the resort he felt anxious, he was scared that it will happen again and he can't make any call because Minyo doesn't have a phone on him,   "Thank you mom, I love you"


"Remember to call me if something happen okay?" Jimin reminds Minyo three times making  his son iterated, "Okay mom please you said it three times already, I'll be fine, school is safe" Jimin deeply sighed, "I'm just worried bub" Minyo hugged him, "I'll be fine, Daniel hyung is with me" Jimin nodded, "Okay okay just be careful" Minyo hugged him, Jimin hugged him back.

Minyo went inside the car while Jimin called Daniel, "Please don't leave beside him" Daniel smiled, "Jimin don't worryI promise nothing will happen, calm down" Jimin slowly nodded, Daniel get inside the car and drove off, Jimin turned around was about to go inside when someone called his name, "Min Jimin?"

He turned his back and saw a man, "Yes?" he was holding a bouquet, "Someone want to give you this" Jimin accepted the bouquet and staring it, "Can-Can I know who send these to me?" Jimin looked at the man, "I'm sorry but he didn't say his name, I have to go, have a nice day Mr. Min" Jimin looked back at the flowers then he notice a note hanging.

Smile more


"I told you Tae if you'll not here at two I'll leave" Jimin annoyingly said through his phone, "Two? But Gguk will be here at three, Jim please wait-" "I'm done, our date is cancelled I'll just go home" he stomp his feet, "Jim I'm sorry I make it up to you I promise" Jimin rolled his eyes, "Better be" he end the call and sighed, he just order food before roaming around the mall.

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