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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.


"H-Hyung..." the older keeps on sucking and biting the youngers neck while pinning his both hands above his head, "W-Wait ahh hyunghmm" the older smirked.

He stared the younger, "I can't stop now baby" the younger looked at him tears building to his eyes, "B-But what if your parents came h-" the older give him a peck on his lips, "Don't worry they won't be here till tomorrow so.." he smirked at him, "You can moan loud" the younger hit his arm, "Hyung!" he pouted while the older chuckled.

He smashed his lips towards the youngers untill their kissed turned into passionately, the younger moaned between the kiss as the older stroke his member, he slowly slipped his finger inside the youngers hole preparing him.

He pulled away the kiss and looked at him, "Beautiful for me love" he mumbled, the older pulled out his finger, "N-No hyung ah!" the younger pouted while the older smirked at him, "I have to pulled out to enter better than my fingers love" he kissed the youngers eye and slowly enter his member.

"A-Arghhh..h-h-hyung ahh" the younger held the olders arm tight as he enter all the way in, "F-Fuck" the older curse.

He stay still letting the younger adjust and not wanting to hurt him, "M-Move n-now hyung" he murmured, "My pleasure" he moved his hips, slowly, as he heard the younger moaned loud he grabbed his waist tight and move more roughly, "S-Shit your so tight"

The older fasten his pace making the younger moan louder, "H-Hyung...wait-ahh s-slow arghh" he was so near until they heard the door downstair open and close, "Shit!" the older cursed, "Minyo?" they heard Jimin's voice, "H-Hyung y-your parents are here!" Taegguk said holding Minyo's arm so tight.

"Fuck!" he was about to pulled away when Taegguk cried, "Ahh h-hyung d-don't..move" Minyo eyes went wide, "W-What?" he cupped Taegguk's face wiping his tears away, "I-It's h-hurt h-h-hyung" Taegguk cried, "Shit, o-okay I won't move, relax okay?" give him a peck on his lips.

"B-But uncle Jimin and Yoongi i-is here" Taegguk worriedly asked, "Don't worry, I'll handle it okay? Stop crying love" Taegguk nodded.

They both startled as they heard Yoongi's voice, "Son?" he knocked, "H-Hyung" hw glance back at Taegguk, "Shhhh"

"Minyo?" Yoongi called, "Are you the-" " Hyung Minyo might be sleeping we can talk to him later" they heard Jimin's voice, "Oh yea sure, take some rest beastie I know your tired"

Minyo deeply sighed, he looked down at Taegguk, "It's okay yo move now?" Minyo tired yo move, "Ahhhmm" he covered Taegguk's mouth, "I'm sorry"

He sighed and reach for his phone, "Who are you calling?" Taegguk asked, "Mom" Taegguk eyes widen, "W-What? H-Hyun-" "Shhh"

"Minyo? I thought you're sleeping" Minyo looking down at Taegguk, "I'm not mom but Taegguk" Taegguk cover his face with his both hand, "Oh Taegguk is there?" Jimin asked, "Yes he's sleeping now that's why I didn't answer you earlier, I don't want to disturb him" Taegguk looked at him.

"It's okay, later your appa will cook tell Taegguk to have dinner here" Jimin chuckled, "I didn't know that I'm gonna cook dinner beastie" Minyo smiled as he heard his father complaint, "Taegguk is here hyung so you will" Jimin laughed, "Okay, but that's not free, ypu have to pay m-"

"Hyung! Minyo is on the phone" Yoongi laughed, "I'll hang up now mom, you can both enjoy after" Jimin gasped while Minyo chuckled, he ended the called and looked fown at Taegguk, "They will be busy so we can stay like this until it won't hurt you if I move" Taegguk nodded.


I hope you all support my future stories.

Thank you.

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