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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.

My Taekook heart💜😣😭


"Mom what time will Dad finish at his work?" Minyo asked as they were inside the car going home, "Maybe at eight, we'll call him to confirm" Jimin grabbed his phone and dialled Yoongi's number while Daniel keeps on driving.

"Hey beastie?" Jimin looked at Minyo, "Minyo wants to asked-AHHHH" Jimin scream and immediately hugged Minyo, "Jimin! Minyo! Are you alright?" Daniel asked worriedly, "JIMIN? JIMIN? WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN?" Yoong shouts on the line, "Argh, What was that Daniel?" Jimin scanned Minyo searching if he was hurt, "Are you hurt Minyo?" Minyo shakes his head, "What happen?" he asked.

"Yah! Jimin answer me, what happen!?" Yoongi shouted, "A car suddenly overtake through us" Jimin mumbles, "Stay here Jimin I'll talk to them" Daniel unblock his seatbelt and went out of the car, Jimin and Minyo looked outside following Daniel, "Don't go out of the car, lock the doors Jimin, tell me where are you?" Jimin looked around, "Were in front of starbucks near at Minyo's school"

"Stay there I'll get you" Jimin mumbles okay, then he looked outside seeing a man talking with Daniel he bowed in front of him, "I guess he's saying sorry mom" Minyo said while Jimin nodded, they both startled when the man looked at them Daniel walked towards the car together with the man, Daniel tried to open the door but it was locked, "Jimin open the door please" Daniel asked.

Jimin held Minyo's hand tight before unlocking the door and Daniel immediately open it, "He just want to say sorry" Daniel smile, Jimin looked up at the man who's now smiling at him, "I'm really sorry, I was just in a hurry, I got more worried when I learned that there's a kid inside the car, I hope both of you are fine" he bowed, Jimin slightly smiled, "We're fine, next time please drive safe" Jimin said.

"This is my calling card if there's any problem just call me" Jimin accepted the card and smile at him, "Drive safe Mr.?" the man parted his lips, "Oh where's my manners, I'm Min Jae" he extend his hand, "Min Jimin" he chuckled, "We have the same surname" Jimin laughed, "I'm gonna go now Jimin, can I call you that right?" Jimin nodded, "Again drive safe Mr. Jae"

He smiled before walking to his car and drive away, "He's nice Mom" Minyo said, "Yea, let's go?" Daniel nodded, before Daniel can sit inside a car honk at the back, "Mr. Min?!" Daniel bowed, he hurriedly open the door where Jimin and Minyo sitting, "Are you both alright? Should we go to the hos-"

"Dad we're both fine no need to go to the hospital" Yoongi scanned the both of them and deeply sighed, he looked at Daniel and glared, "Where is that fucking driver?" Jimin gasped, "Hyung!" Yoongi looked at him, "The case were settled, don't worry, let's go home" Yoongi tsked.

"Both of you are going with me" he held Jimin and Minyo's hand and went to his car, "Drive safe Daniel" Jimin shouted before going inside of Yoongi's car, "I'm hungry" Minyo whined, "I'll cook when we arrive" Yoongi drove off and followed by the two black cars behind.


"It's been a while my little brother" he smirked as he take a seat in front of Geum-jae, Yoongi looked at him expressionless, "Oh cmon aren't you happy see me?" he laughed.

"What's with this meeting..hyung?" he crossed his arms, smirking, "It's nice to hear that from you brother" Yoongi just stared at him, "Hmm I want a partnership" he said, "Why?" Yoongi asked while leaning on the chair, "What why?" he chuckled, "I know there's a reason behind, what is it?"

"HAHAHAHAHA Brother I just want a partnership with you, I want you to help my company to expand" he smiled, "I think about it" Yoongi was about to stand when Geum speak, "You still can't move on little brother?" Yoongi looked up at him seeing Geum smirking at him, "It's was too long ago, and that time I was so greedy to your father's position"

"Why should I trust you? Long time ago you tried to kill me, and not only me, you tried to kill my cousin Beomgyu last week, for what? Money?" this time Geum smile fade, Yoongi stood up, "So you hired someone to spy on me?" Yoongi smirked, "Why would I? I have many eyes and ears here in seoul, I don't have to hired to spy on you"

"Now about the partnership, again I will think about it" Yoongi walked towards the door before he can completely went out, "I'll wait for your call Mr. Min"


"Yes! We're going at Dad's office" Jimin smile, "Let's go?" Minyo excitedly nodded, he immediately run towards the car and tale a seat at the back, "Mom! Hyung! hurry!!!"

As they arrived staffs starts to greet them, "Good afternoon Mr. Min" they bowed as well as Jimin and Minyo, three of them enter the elevator, as the elevator ding Minyo run out, "Minyo! Stop running"

"Is Dad insid-ouch" Jimin immediately jog towards him and help him stand, "Are you alright? I told you to stop running" as Jimin looked up his eyes widen as he saw the man Minyo's bumped, "Jimin?"

"Mr. Jae?" he smiled widey, "What are you doing here Jimin? Are you working here?" Daniel pick up Minyo's bag and looked at him, "I'm-I'm not working here" Jimin smiled back,, Jae looked down at Minyo, "Are you okay boy?" Minyo nodded his head, "Yes sir, sorry for hitting you" he bowed, while Jae raffle his hair, "No it's fine"

"So Jimin if your not working here, then wh-"

"Dad!" Minyo run past at Jae, he slowly looked back and his smile fade, "Dad?" he mumbled, he glance back at Jimin who's smiling, "Mr. Min" Daniel said while he bow his head.

As Yoongi looked at them his face turned into serious, "Your still here?" he asked as he started walking towards them, "So your a Dad now?" Geum-jae asked looking straight at Yoongi, "Yes" Yoongi held Jimin's hand and intertwine with his, "And this is my husband"

Geum-jae fisted his hand, he sighed and slowly relax his hand, he smile towards them, "It was a nice family Yoongi, better keep them safe" Yoongi grits his teeth,  Geum-jae looked at Jimin, "It's nice to see you again Jimin" he smiled, showing his teeth while Jimin smile back towards him, "I have to go" before he turned his back he glance Yoongi, "See again Yoongi"


Surprise update cause it's my free time, hope you enjoy it..

Surprise update cause it's my free time, hope you enjoy it

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Always stay safe and healthy, love lots💜

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