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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.


"Here sire, all his information are in there" his assistant gave the white folder. "Min Jimin? Haha so he's the husband of the dead king" he laughed while still reading all of Jimin's information, "How sad that I don't saw Min's face" he looked up to his assistant, "Do you have his photo?"

He's assistant bowed, "Sorry sire but all Min Yoongi's important details and even he's pictures are gone, I guess he made it private" he man chuckled, "Well that's fine" he turned his gaze down on the folder, "I know he's husband though" he smirked caressing Jimin's photo.


"What the fuck happen to you Suga!" Irene asked as Suga went inside to their private room, "I'm fine Irene" Irene checked his arm looking so worried, "Babe tell me who did this to you" Irene looked up at him, tears falling down to her cheeks, while Suga stare at him emotionless, "I already killed him, stop crying" Suga wiped her tears, "I'm so worried about you!" Irene cried as she buried her face at Suga's chest.

"I'm worried at you too" Suga hugged her back with his right arm, "Your not hurt right?" Irene nodded, she looked up at him while still her tears keep streaming down to her cheeks, "Don't you ever leave beside me again!" she pouted, "I won't" Suga kissed her forehead.

"Suga" Irene and Suga looked at their side seeing Kihyun, "We have to talk" Irene immediately held Suga's shirt, "No" Suga looked down at her, "I'll be back don't worry" Irene hesitate, "Fine but don't take too long" Suga nodded and kissed her forehead before going out of their room.

Irene grabbed her phone and dialled a number, "Find that bitch"


"They're looking for a code?" Kihyun asked as Suga hit his cigar, "Code that we don't know" Suga looked at the window as he blow a smoke, "What with that code" Kihyun frowned, "I don't know either, but I think thats too important"

"Then we should get it too?" Suga looked at him, "No, but if they keep attacking us we don't have choice to look for it too" Suga put away his cigar on the ash tray.


"Hyung!" Minyo run towards Daniel, "Minyo, Jimin" he smiled then looked down at Minyo ruffling his hair, "Are you okay now Daniel?" Jimin worriedly asked as he went in front of him, "Hmm I'm fine now" he then scan every inch of Jimin body then to Minyo, he sighed as he saw they're both fine.

"Where is Taehyung and Jungkook?" Jimin asked, "They're in their room already" Daniel smiled at him holding his abdomen, "Taehyung must be really scared" Jimin stated, "Mom I want to see Taegguk" Minyo plead with his teary eyes, "Okay let's go to them"

Minyo was in front while Jimin and Daniel followed him upstair, "What happen Daniel? Why there's a group of men shooting here?" Jimin asked glancing at Daniel, "I..I don't know, but all we have to do is get away from here" Jimin nodded.


"Jim!" Taehyung hurriedly hugged Jimin as they entered their room, "Taegguk!" Minyo hugged Taegguk, "A-Are you hurt Jim?" Taehyung pulled away and scanned Jimin, "No I'm fine, me and Minyo are fine, Daniel got shot" Taehyung gasped, "Tae, we have to go home, it's not safe here" Taehyung looked back at Jungkook.

"Your right" Daniel agreed, "B-But Tae" Taehyung looked back at Jimin, "I saw Seokjin hyung" Taehyung eyes widen, "W-Where is he?" Jungkook walked towards him and rubbed his back, "I saw him with Namjoon, they both fine" Jimin said with his sad voice, "Hey Jim, why are you crying?" Taehyung wiped his tears.

"Mom?" Minyo held his hand as he saw his mother crying, "N-Namjoon...h-he said Yoongi-Yoongi was dead" Jimin cried, "What?" Jungkook asked shocked, "T-The car he-he was hiding explode, h-he can't save him" Minyo hold Jimin's hand tight, "Omy-Jimin..I'm sorry" Taehyung said as wiped his tears too.

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