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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.


Jimin currently avoiding Geum's gaze, they were eating lunch together but Jimin didn't touch his food, "Eat now love" Jimin ignore him, he still have the phone on his pocket and trying to hide it from Geum.

"I said eat Jimin" Jimin flinched, he slowly lift his hand and grabbed the spoon and start eating, his hands were trembling he was nervous that Geum might caught him.

"I'm ful-" Jimin startled when a loud tug, "Who are you? Stop where are you going!" Geum's maid shouts, Geum stands as well as Jimin, "Hyung?" Jimin smiled thinking it was Yoongi, Geum held his gun and point at the door.

Multiple shot of guns heard making Jimin close his eyes and cover his both ears, "Who the fuck are you?" Geum asked as four men entered the dinning room, Geum mens immediately form a line in front of him and pointing their guns towards the trespassers.

Geum frowned when another man enter smirking at him, "Nice to see you again Geum" he smiled, Geum tightly gripped his gun, "What are you doing here?!" he grits his teeth, "Don't worry I'm not here for you" he then looked behind Geum, Jimin steps back as the man looked at him smirking.

They are not Yoongi hyung's men.

"I'm here for Park Jimin or should I say Min Jimin" Geum peek at his back looking at terrified Jimin, "What do you want from him Lee"

Lee looked back at him, "It's not my job to answer your questions Geum, so if you don't want to get hurt or even your stupid men, hand Jimin quietly" Geum grits his teeth, "I'll better be hurt than giving Jimin" Lee laughed, "Then it's your choice"

Lee signal his hand and all his men shoot Geum's men, Jimin shouts, Geum step in front of Jimin protecting him, Jimin cover his ears hiding his small body at Geum.

"ARGHHHH!" Geum wince as Lee shoot his abdomen, Jimin gasped, he stare at Geum who fall down on his knees holding his abdomen, "J-Jimin r-r-r-argh-run" Geum said, he try to shoot Lee's men who's coming at Jimin.

Jimin didn't want to leave Geum, he don't want Lee kill Geum because he is still Yoongi's brother, but they both know Lee will hurt him and get him away from Geum's home, he don't want to leave specially Yoongi already knew where he is.

He was about to run when Lee held his wrist, "Let's go" he smirked, Jimin looked down at Geum he was bleeding, he was looking at them, glaring at Lee.

"N-No l-let-let me go" Jimin struggles but Lee held him tightly, "J-J-Jimin arghh" Geum mumbles holding his abdomen, "G-G-Geum" Jimin glance back at Geum, "Don't provoke me" Jimin step Lee's feet making him loosen his grip, "Fucking rat!"

Jimin run but Lee grabbed his hair, "AHHHHH" he screamed, "Lee! DON'T YOU EVER HURT HIM!" Geum shouted but he ignore him, "Your too wild" Lee whispered, he then hit Jimin's stomach making him lose his conscious.

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE, PUT HIM DOWN LEE!" Geum tries to stand but Lee's men hit his head making him pass out.


Yoongi immediately went out of their car as they arrived at Geum's mansion, Namjoon, Jungkook and Hoseok followed him. While the three kids Taehyun, Soobin and Yeonjun went at the back of the mansion.

As Yoongi went in front of the gate he immediately shot it and went inside, "Hyung, Geum's men are on the front door, the back door are clear" they heard Taehyun's voice at their earpiece, Yoongi grits his teeth as men run towards them pointing their gun.

"Min Yoongi!" one of Geum men shouted, Yoongi didn't waste anytime and rain bullets at them following Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook, he reload his gun as he step inside.

But then he stop at his tracks as he saw how mess Geum's mansion, "What the hell happen here?" Namjoon mumbles, "Hyung" they all looked at their side seeing the three kids run towards them, "We notice that some of Geum's men are wounded and killed" Yeonjun said while scanning the whole mansion.

"Jimin" Yoongi mumbles, "Find Jimin!" the three kids immediately went upstairs while Yoongi entered the kitchen, "W-Who are you!?" Yoongi looked at her.

Geum's maid.

"W-What are you still d-doing here? Y-You get what you-you want!" she said with her trembling voice, "Where is Geum." Yoongi asked her, the maid just shakes her head closing her eyes and covering her ears, "P-Please s-stop-stop"

"Arghhh" Yoongi frowned and looked at the kitchen bars, he slowly step forward and pointing his gun towards the kitchen bar, he then saw a blood on the floor, "Hyung" he ignore Hoseok's call, he follow the blood stain until he completely saw what behind the bar, "Hyung" Yoongi mumbles, he put his gun down and stare down.

He saw Geum sitting on the floor, holding his abdomen, trying to stop the blood, "G-Geum! Where is Jimin!?" Yoongi asked seeing Geum wounded.

Geum looked up at him then looked down at his abdomen, "L-L-Lee-arghh" Yoongi gripped his gun tight, "WHERE IS HE?!" again he pointed his gun towards Geum, "WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN!?" he shout, glaring at him, "Lee-Lee took him"


I was late, sorry.

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