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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.

Short update.


"What?" Yoongi mumbles, Geum adjusted his position, "Argh" he winced holding his wound, "They attack us...I thought they just want something e-else but he want Jimin...I tried t-to argh-I tried to stop them but they hit me until I pass o-out" he hardly explained.

Yoongi gripped his gun tight, "FUCK!" he pointed at Geum forehead, glaring at him, "Hyung!" Namjoon held Yoongi's arm but he shoved it away, "Because of you" he grits his teeth.

Geum looked up at him, "Because of you...they caught him easily! Because of you his life is in danger! I'll fucking kill you!" Hoseok stopped Yoongi from pulling the trigger, "YOONGI! He's still your brother!" Hoseok shouted holding Yoongi's wrist.

Yoongi looked at Hoseok, "Let me go!" he warned, "No" Hoseok bravely said, "I SAID LET FUCKING GO HOSEOK!" he shouted, Geum chuckled, the three of them looked back at him, "No need to stop him Hoseok" he grin.

Yoongi grits his teeth glaring at Geum, "Look Yoongi, I'm not the only one who wants Jimin, all your enemy wanted him" Namjoon and Hoseok looked at him confusedly, "But Lee and me are different I want Jimin because I like him, but Lee...he want the necklace"

"Necklace?" Hoseok mumbled, "There's girl named Park Chaeyoung, she gave the necklace at Jimin so she can be safe and even her father" Yoongi frowned, "Park?" Yoongi asked, "Yes, Park, Jimin's family" Geum explained.

What kind of fucking family they are!

"What's with the necklace?" this time Jungkook asked, "A code, code that someone can have too much power and can dragged Min Yoongi down as a king of the seoul"


"Jungkook track Jimin's phone again" Yoongi said as they went out of Geum's mansion, "Hyung what about the neck-"

"I don't care about that fucking necklace Hoseok, I need to find Jimin" Yoongi said as he open the car harshly, "Soobin, go to Daniel's and tell him to gather all the men on the incheon and daegu and meet us on Lee's, Yeonjun go with Soobin" the both kid nodded and immediately leave.

"Taehyun go to my house, tell Minho to secure the house and protect Minyo, Taehyung and Taegguk as well." Yoongi command while Taehyun nodded and leave, Yoongi looked at Jungkook who's busy at his laptop.

"Namjoon" Yoongi mumbled, "Hyung?" Yoongi deeply sighed, he glance back at Geum's house, "Go get Geum" Hoseok immediately looked at him, "What?" Namjoon confusedly asked, "Take him to Jin and...and cure him"

"What if he attack u-" Yoongi looked at Namjoon, "Tie him so he can't harm anyone" Namjoon open his mouth but he then close it, he nodded and went out of the car to get Geum.

Phone ringing

Hoseok answer it, "Hyung Soobin and Yeonjun are together with Daniel now, they will just gather all incheon and daegu men and went at Lee's" Yoongi nodded.

Yoongi looked at Namjoon as he went out with Geum, "Let's go Hoseok"

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