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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.


"Taehyung please I need to know that Suga"  Taehyung glared at him, "Jimin base on your story he was scary even his fiancé, they even threatened you, so please stop" Taehyung trying to stop his best friend going at that Suga's company building after knowing that the MP enterprise was his company. And Jungkook said that MP has under ground business that is why Taehyung is worried.

"If your not going with me then I'm going by my self" before stepping forward Taehyung grabbed his arm, "PARK JIMIN! Stop! Can you please think about your and Min-yo's safety" Jimin looked at him with his teary eyes, "I'm doing this for my son" Jimin removed Taehyung's grip, Jimin grabbed his coat and after opening the door Taehyung speak, "What if he's not Yoongi hyung?"

Jimin stay at his spot looking at his shoes, "What will you do if your wrong?" Taehyung continue, "Then it can make me sleep at night" Jimin stated before completely going out.


Jimin was in front of the building looking at it, he then went inside, "E-Excuse me?" a girl looked at him, "Yes sir?" she smiled, "Ahm, is Mr. Min already here?" she then immediately frowned, "Do you have appointment with Mr. Min?" Jimin shakes his head, "None, but I just want to ta-" "Sorry if you don't have an appointment with Mr. Min you can't see him"

"But it's important, ple-" "I'm really sorry you can leave now" she bitchy said, "No you don't understand, I really need to tal-" "Guards!" Jimin eyes widen, "" three man in the black suit went towards them, "Bring this man out of the building, he's a trespasser"

The two men grabbed Jimin's arm, "No wait, I just want to me-ouch!" Jimin hissed the two men dragging him out of the building, "What's going on in here?" they all stop at their track, "Mr. Yoo" Kihyun was shock seeing Jimin, "Jimin?" Jimin looked at him with his teary eyes, "Ki- Mr. Yoo" Kihyun glared at the two men, "Let him go." Kihyun stated, "But Mr. Yoo this g-" "I SAID LET HIM GO!" the two men immediately comply, "Leave" Jimin held his arm looking down, "Thank you Mr. Yo-" Jimin startled when Kihyun caress his arm, "Are you alright?"

Jimin looked up at him, "Y-Yes thank you a-again Mr. Y-" Kihyun sighed, "Please just called me Kihyun" Jimin slightly nodded, "But Jimin you shouldn't be here, what are you doing here?" Jimin looked at the girl who's glaring at him then looked back at Kihyun, "I want to see Yo-Suga" Kihyun looked at him shocked, "Suga? But he's-okay let's go up" Kihyun held his wrist ready to dragged him, "Mr. Yoo but that man i-" "He's my friend" with that they both went inside the elevator.

As the door closed Kihyun looked at Jimin, "Are hoing to asked him again about that Yoongi guy?" Jimin looked down, "I need to confirm it...that he's really not my Yoongi hyung" Kihyun leaned his back at the elevator wall, "Suga was my friend since were 7 and he didn't mention he has Jimin in his life" Jimin looked at him, "7 years old?" Kihyun nodded, "We meet at a dark alley, I saw him beating three boys same age with us, he almost beat me too when he thought I was with those boys"

"After that night I didn't see him but we meet again in a illegal group, he was so skilled on fighting and even handling different weapons, I idolise him with that" he continue, "But when were at our mission we both met an acc-" Kihyun stop at his words when the door open, Jimin breath hitch seeing Suga frowning both of them, "Suga" Kihyun raise his hand but Suga ignore him and busy glaring at Jimin, "What are you doing here?!"

Jimin can't speak, there's no words coming out, he get suddenly get scared on how Suga looked at him, "I..I wa-" Kihyun suddenly wrapped his hand on Jimin's shoulder making him startled and turn his gaze towards him, "I invite him" Kihyun looked back at him and winked, Jimin looked back at Suga who's now looking at Kihyun, "Bring a whore at MY company Kihyun?" Jimin looked at him shocked.

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