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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.


"Father faster!" she shouts, waiting for her father to get down so they can go, "We will miss the flight!" she shouted, she was about to take a step towards the stairs when their door bell rang.

Her eyes went wide looking at the closed door, she flinched when the bell rang again, she slowly step closer the door, shakily grabbed the door knob.

She then step back when the door open harshly, "M-Mr. M!" her eyes get teary, terrified, seeing the man standing in front of her, "Long time no see Chaeyoung" he smirked, while his mens entered their house, she take another step back when he step inside the house.

The man looked down at the two luggage, he chuckled, "You guys going somewhere?" he grabbed the luggage and Chaeyoung gasped, "W-Wait..M-Mr. M" he throw it and grabbed his gun shooting it twice making a loud piercing noise, "AHHHH" she screamed covering his both ears.

"M-Mr. M" her father finally went down as he heard the gun shot, Mr. M tsked shaking his head, "I'm so disappointed" he said while walking towards the single couch and take a seat, "You guys didn't invite me" he make a sad face looking at the two.

"L-Let me explain M-Mr. M, i-it's not what it's look-look lik-" again the guy Mr. M shot the second luggage, "Then what's the meaning of this luggage? A display? A props? Hahaha don't make me dumb Park" he laughed.

Chaeyoung step back, again, when Mr. M stood up and start walking towards his father, "You know I can kill you and your precious daughter right here right now" he whispered while brushing his gun at the mans face, making him shakes in fear.

"But I can be good too" he creepily smiled, he went more closer at the mans ear, "Just tell me where is it?" he waits for the answer but he didn't get any, he deeply sighed and move away, "Just tell me and both of you are free" he smiled.

Chaeyoung slowly looked at his father, he was closing his eyes clenching his fist, "Fucking answer me!" Mr. M shouted while he pointed the gun towards the head of Chaeyoung's father, "N-No, M-Mr. M p-please...w-we really don't k-know" she kneeled down begging.

Mr. M looked down at her, he sit to her level then lift her chin up using his gun, "Lying in front of my face Chae?" Chaeyoung looked at him, tears keeps falling down to her cheeks while shaking her head as a no, "P-P-Please" he murmured.

Mr. M sighed, "You leave me no choice" he stand up and point his gun towards Chaeyoung's forehead, he was ready to pulled the trigger when Chaeyoung's father shout.

"I-I'll tell-tell you! Please don't h-hurt m-my daughter" Mr. M smirked and looked back at him, "It's on..."


"Hello hyung?" Jimin answered his phone after entering the his favourite cafe, "Did you arrived safely?" Jimin chuckled, "No, I'm hur-" "WHAT?!" Yoongi shouted, "I'm going there" Jimin gasped, "No!" he shouted causing all the costumers and staffs looked at him, he gently smiled and silently walk towards an empty seat next to the window,.

"I'm just kidding hyung, I'm fine, I'm sitting pretty here" Jimin giggled, "Are you fucking sure beastie?" Jimin looked at the menu, "Yes I'm fucking sure, I'll contact you later hyung, focus on your works" Jimin heard Yoongi sighed, "Cursing, really beastie? You should get punished by that" Jimin chucked, "And how the fuck can I focus knowing that your there outside alone?"

"Hyung I'm with Taehyung, I'll just wait for him to arrive hmm" Jimin raise his hand then a staff walked towards him, "I'll get this and...this one please" Jimin smiled, "Okay sir" he bowed, "Hyung?" Jimin looked outside, "Beastie at least call Daniel so I ca-"

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