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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.


Doorbell ringing

"Yea wait" Jimin dried his hand before walking out of the kitchen and went towards the front door.

Doorbell ringing

"Yea" he stumble back as he open the door, "J-J-Jimin ah" Jimin stared at him with his teary eyes, "H-Hyung?!" Jimin can't move, he don't know what to do, he was just staring at Yoongi who's sitting on the ground with full of his own blood, Yoongi looked up at him and slightly smiled, "I-I'm back-back beastie"


"Min Jimin!"


Jimin open his eyes looking around until his eyes land in front of him, "Hey" Yoongi was staring at him worriedly holding his both shoulder, the younger immediately sit up and hugged Yoongi tightly, "Your dreaming beastie" he wispher, "H-H-Hyung" he cried burying his face at the neck.

"Shhh I'm here, it's just a dream" Jimin grips was so tight not letting Yoongi go, "Shhh" the older rubbing Jimin's back hugging him back.

"Why are you crying?" Jimin pulled away as well as Yoongi, they both looked at the door seeing Minyo munching his toast, "Did mommy have a bad dream?" he asked, as he finished his toast he went towards his parents, "Yes bub mommy have a bad dream" Yoongi answered.

"You always have a bad dream when dad wasn't here, how come you still have it when he's with us" Jimin slightly smiled, "Love bad dreams can't control" Minyo looked at him, "Unless your thinking something bad, I told you I don't like seeing you crying"

Yoongi chuckled, "He's really is my son" Minyo stared at Jimin, "Stop crying mom, let's eat breakfast dad made it" Jimin smiled wiping his tears, "Okay" Minyo nodded and walk out of the room, "Did he got all my genes?" Jimin pouted, "Yah!" Yoongi chuckled, "I'm kidding beastie" he hugged the younger and plant kisses on his head.


"Do we really have to buy all of this?" Yoongi asked and he saw Jimin's list of the grocery, "Some of them are extras hyung" Yoongi frowned, "Oh and also type down Holly's food hyung" Jimin looked up at Yoongi, "And no chocolates" Jimin said he as about to step down stairs when Yoongi held his arm.

"Minyo was allergic on seafoods right?" he asked worriedly, "Yea, that's why we have to buy him meat, the seafoods are for us" he winked after completely going down, "Did he really winked at me?" he blinked his eyes, "That-that was hot as fuck, shit!"


"Dad? How is Kihyun hyung?" Minyo asked while they both pushing the cart following Jimin, "He's fine now son, the time he will got discharge we'll visit him" Minyo nodded, "How about Daniel hyung?" Yoongi looked down at his son.

"Daniel was busy at his new job bub" Minyo nodded and continue following Jimin, "Dad can we buy chocolate too?" he asked looking up at Yoongi, "Chocolates aren't on the list Minyo" Minyo pouted, "Please dad, two bar will be good" he plead, Yoongi sighed, he gaze at Jimin who's picking Minyo's food then gaze back at Minyo.

"Your mother will be mad" Minyo smiled, "No he won't I promise" Yoongi deeply sighed, "Fine, two bar is enough okay?" Minyo smiled widely, "Yes!" they both walk towards the chocolate stall and immediately grabbed two bar of chocolate, "Jimin will be really mad, tsk" Yoongi mumbled.


"Hyung!" Jimin looked at Yoongi as he saw the two bars of chocolate on their bags of groceries, "I told you no chocolates!" Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck, "I know but..Minyo plead and I can-" he words cut off when he saw Jimin glaring at him, "Listen beastie, I'm sorry, I just can't say no at Minyo"

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