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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.


"Daniel hyung please order me a lots of meat please" Minyo asked before Daniel went out of Yoongi's office to order them a food, "Okay young man" Daniel bowed before completely walk out.

Minyo sits at the couch while playing at his phone, while Jimin looked at Yoongi confusedly, he went beside him and held his hand, "Hyung?" Yoongi blink and looked up at him, "Hmm?" Jimin looked at him worriedly, "Are you okay?" he asked, Yoongi just nodded and sighed.

"Are you sure?" Yoongi looked back at him and smiled, "Yes beastie" Yoongi grabbed Jimin's waist pulling him and make him sit on his lap, "Hyung!" he whispered, "What? I don't want you to stand and get tired" Jimin blushed, "Minyo was fuc-" his words cut off when Yoongi claimed his lips, "Don't curse" Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Beastie tell me how did you know that guy?" Yoongi asked why caressing Jimin's thigh, "That guy? You mean Mr. Jae?" Yoongi nodded and kissed the younger's shoulder, "He's the driver that we meet an accident" Yoongi stiffed, "What?" Yoongi looked at him, Jimin humm, "He was nice though and he's a Min too" Jimin chuckled.

"I didn't know he's your busi-"

"Avoid him" Yoongi mumbled but enough for Jimin to hear it, "Avoid? Why hyung?" Jimin looked straight at Yoongi, when the older didn't response, he cupped his cheeks and make him looked at him, "Is there something wrong hyung?" Yoongi clenched his fist, "Just don't meet and talk to him...please"

Jimin stare at Yoongi's eyes, "He's dangerous Jimin" Jimin's mouth parted as Yoongi mention it, "W-What? How? I don't understand" Yoongi closed his eyes and hugged the younger's waist tight, "That guy...he's my hyung" Jimin gasped, "And he tried to kill me"


"Hyung?" Jimin sat up, rubbing his eyes while looking at Yoongi, "Did I wake you up?" Yoongi asked as he continue wearing his black shirt, Jimin looked at the side table, "Where are you going at this hour? It's two am in the morning" 

Yoongi looked back at him, "I will just meet Namjoon and Jungkook, go back to sleep, I'll be back in a minute" Jimin frowned, "Don't tell me your-" Yoongi give him a peck on his lips, "Don't worry, just go back to sleep beastie" Jimin held Yoongi's hand so tight, "Hyung..."

Yoongi smiled at him, "I promise I'll be back, don't worry" Yoongi press his lips against Jimin, "Don't get h-hurt" Yoongi nodded, "I promise, sleep now" he kissed his forehead before going out of their room.


Jimin tried to sleep but it was already 3:27 am, and he still can't sleep, he stood up walk towards the other door to peek at Minyo's room, he decide to go down stairs and drink some water.

He looked at the window, worried about Yoongi, he deeply sighed and just take a seat on the couch.

It's four in the morning and Jimin still waiting at the couch, he keeps yawning, stretching his arm, he lay down on the couch until he slowly fall asleep.




Jimin slowly open his eyes, he notice there was sunlight already, he looked at Yoongi who's smiling at him, "Why are you sleeping here?" Jimin scanned the older's face and arm, he sat up and hugged him, "I didn't notice you get here" he mumbled, burring his face on the older's chest.

"I got home six in the morning and I saw you sleeping here  peacefully so I didn't wake you up" Yoongi kiss Jimin's forehead, "What time is it hyung?" Yoongi looked at his wrist watch, "It was 8:27 love" Jimin pulled away and Yoongi caress his cheeks, "I'm already done cooking breakfast, let's eat?"

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