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*Ignore the mistakes and wrong grammar, english isn't my first language.


"Speak" Yoongi said before hitting his cigarette, "The board want to see you Mr. Min, they were asking when will you come back at the company" Yoongi released the smoke, "Idiots, tell them I'll be back within two days" he hanged up the phone.

He throw his smoke at the ash tray as he turned around he got startled seeing Jimin standing wrapped with a blanket, "You smoke?" he asked, "Beastie your up" he was about to walk towards him when Jimin stepped back making him stop at his tracks.

"Why are you smoking?" Jimin glared, "I just-just...ahm just a habit beastie" Jimin frowned, "And what if Minyo sees you?" Yoongi sighed, "I'm sorry love but I can't stop, my body is looking for it" Yoongi walk towards him, he wrapped his arms on Jimin's waist pulling him closer.

"You know smoking is dangerous hyung" Jimin glared at him, he try to push him away but the older held him more tight, "Let go of me, your stinks!" Yoongi intentionally blow Jimin's face, "YAH!!" Yoongi chuckled, he kissed his lips before letting him go.

Jimin glared at him while wiping his lips, "Don't you ever smoke again!" he walks away entering the bathroom, "Tsk"


"What?" Jimin shouted, Daniel take Minyo out of the room so he can't see his parents arguing, "Look beastie, the company needs me, I have to g-" Jimin glared at him, "I told you stop that mafia thing hyung" Yoongi deeply sighed, "You know I can't beastie, it's my job and people knows it and soon Minyo will take my place"

Jimin throw him a pillow and Yoongi immediately catch it, "NO! Minyo won't taking your place! I don't want!" his eyes get teary looking at the older, Yoongi walk towards him and held his hand, "Love don't cry, please"

"I-I told you stop being a m-mafia king, i-it's dangerous h-hyung, not o-only for-for you but for me and M-Minyo" Yoongi hugged the younger, "Stop crying, Jimin you know it's my job, I can't stop, people know me, I can't just let go of this, I promise nothing will happen to you and Minyo"

Jimin pushed him, "F-Fine-Fine! If that's what you want but don't you ever involve our son!" he went out of the room leaving Yoongi.


"Kihyun!" Jimin immediately run towards him and hugged him, "Hello Jimin" Jimin gasped as he felt a tight gripped on his arm and pulling him away from Kihyun, "Really Jimin?" Yoongi glared at him.

Kihyun chuckled, Jimin pouted, he wrapped his hands against Yoongi's arm hugging it tight, "Jealous Mr. Min, I'm just happy that Kihyun is fine" Yoongi looked at him, "Your too happy that you can hugged him in front of me?!" Jimin giggled, "Okay I'm sorry" Yoongi rolled his eyes.

Kihyun clear his throat, "Mr. Min the car is ready" he said, Yoongi nodded, "Wait me at the car" he bowed before walking out of the house, "Min Jimin!" Jimin startled, "Hug him again and you'll be punish" Jimin smile widely, "Noted hyung" Yoongi grits his teeth, Jimin tip toe and give the older a peck on his lips, "Go now hyung, Kihyun is waiting"

"Kihyun again!" Jimin laughed, "Hyung I'm just telling the truth don't get jealous...I love you" Yoongi tsked, "Give me a kiss Beastie" Jimin smile, he cupped Yoongi's cheeks and claim his lips, he was about to pulled away when the older grabbed his nape and waist pulling him close and deepen the kiss, the older's hand travel down at Jimin's butt grope it making the younger moan between the kiss.

"Really Dad Mom?" they pulled away and looked down seeing their son looking at them with disgust face, Yoongi smirked, Jimin immediately pushed Yoongi, "M-Minyo, your ready?" Minyo sighed, "Yes let's go mom" he grabbed his bag before walking out of their house.

Jimin turned around and slap Yoongi's chest, "Ouch!" Yoongi frowned but when he saw Jimin's blushed face he grinned, "Look what you did!" Yoongi shrugs, "What? I'm just addicted to your lips that I can't let go earlier" Jimin hit him again, "Pervert!" Yoongi laughed, "I love you Beastie" Jimin rolled his eyes, "I will go now, Minyo will be late"

"Stay safe Beastie" again he give Jimin a peck on his lips, "You too, I love you Hyung" Yoongi smile.


"Good morning Mr. Min" as Yoongi seat on his chair he immediately looked all the papers on his table, "Do I have any appointment?" he asked as he scanning all the papers, "Yes Mr. Min, first meeting with the board members at 2, and meeting with Mr. Min Geum-Jae" Yoongi froze.

He slowly looked up and frowned, "Who?" his secretary bowed, "Mr. Min Geum-Jae, sire" he clenched his fisted, "Mr. Min wanted to meet you after the day he known that you're back sire" Yoongi grits his teeth, "Leave" his secretary bowed before leaving, "Hyung" he smirked.

He get his phone and dialled a number, "Meet me at my office as well at Jungkook and Hoseok"


"What's with your face hyung?" Jungkook asked as he sip his coffee, "Is there any problem hyung?" Hoseok looked at him confusedly, "My brother wants to meet me"

"And?" Jungkook asked, "Tsk" Yoongi was about to get his cigar when he remember Jimin, "Fuck" he cursed, "Wait hyung, I'm confused, your brother wants to meet you, what's the problem with that?"

Namjoon sighed, "Yoongi hyung's brother was a traitor" Hoseok and Jungkook looked at Namjoon, "The day when he wants to talk with Yoongi about business he tried to kill him, he wants Yoongi hyung position since they were kid"

"He was so angry when their father decide to give his position to Yoongi hyung"


"Geum! What the hell are you doing!" their father hurriedly run towards Yoongi when they saw their older son pointing a gun towards him, "T-That guy! He keeps taking what's mine!" a tear fell on his cheeks while still the gun pointing at them.

"What are you talking about hyung!" Yoongi shouted, "Y-You! You should be dead! I'm the one who should be the next king!" he shouted, "What?" Geum-Jae glared at his father, "I heard you talking to mother! You want to pass the thrown to that fucking guy!" Yoongi looked at him shocked, "Father!?"

"You want me to leave korea so you can give the thrown to your fucking son!" their father sighed, "You heard it, better accept it Geum because you know the reason behind" their father looked at him with his eyes, "Accept? Why would I? I'M THE ELDEST! I SHOULD BE THE NEXT KING NOT THAT FUCK-"

"ENOUGH!" they all looked at their father, he was pointing a gun towards Geum, "Curse my son again Min Geum-Jae and I won't think twice killing you!" their mother gasped, "Honey!" Yoongi hold his father, "Father"

"I know you know what's the reason why I choose Yoongi! You're not my fucking son!"


"That day we all thought it's over but when his hyung asked a partner ship with Yoongi hyung we knew that he still can't accept their father's decision" Namjoon explained, "Then don't meet him hyung" Jungkook looked at Yoongi.

Yoongi was leaning on his chair eyes were closed listening to them, "Don't meet him, what if he planned to kill you again?" Hoseok asked, "Hyung we all suggest not to go, I know your brother was planning something again" Namjoon stated, Yoongi open his eyes, "I have too, but this time I am ready on what will happen"


I'm so busy that I can't write and update😣 Mianhaeyo😭

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