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Zayn Malik's Birthday and the last chapter

The beautiful red cloth hanged between them

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The beautiful red cloth hanged between them . He held his hand on the cloth and she held the cloth from the other side. The cloth kept them divided. She chuckled after realising what they are doing . He smiled hearing her sweet chuckles.

"How are you feeling today" asked Lakshya

"How I am feeling today? That's something for sure but not the best question to answer because I have no idea how can I describe this feeling with words, I would have to invent words to describe my feelings , Today is a magical day for me and I am excited" said Piara 

"Its truly a magical day and I cant wait to see what our future holds and i am just glad that i am with you , Today everything would be complete and Official , Its just perfect just like how you are" said Lakshya and Piara blushed 

"Everything is just as perfect as we thought it would be . Today is a dream come true and i am so happy that I am living that dream with you , I can't imagine living this dream with some one else who is not you" said Pia with a smile

"it is perfect because you are in it , I am not a cheesy talker but i am sure you will make me one for sure" said Lakshya with a smile

"You are a really cheesy person with me at times and i can proudly say that i bring out the cheesiness in you, Cheesy Lakshya isn't that bad , He is just real sweet and a big sweet talker" said Pia with a chuckle.

"You just being out the sweet talker in me because you are too sweet to handle and i just become sweet like that , I can say that the great Piara can make anyone feel perfect by her presence itself" said Lakshya and Pia chuckled

"Uff , I am so flattered" said Piara

"Is the mehendi so red like everyone is saying" asked Lakshya 

"Depends on what people is saying but i can say that its pretty red" said Piara

"Depends on what people is saying but i can say that its pretty red" said Piara

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Piara was sitting at her place all relaxed and excited for the rituals. She saw Lav entering the room with a smile and a bowl. Lav walked towards Pia and kept the bowl in the nearest place and remove evil eyes , Pia smiles at the gesture

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