chapter 4

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"Motherhood is the greatest and hardest thing"

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"Motherhood is the greatest and hardest thing"

Time skip(6 months to be exact)

Piara was in front of her reflection slowly putting on her bangles with a big smile on her face. She tucked her loose hairs and put on her big earrings. She adjusted her Lehanga and started walking towards Lavanya's room.

"Queen Lavanya is waiting for you" said Zara with a smile on her face
"Well, the waiting over because the great Piara head arrived" said Piara with a wink

Zara left and Piara started to walk towards Lavanya's room. She saw Lavanya sitting on the bed with a bored face, she was shaky caressing her bump which was big. Pia felt awe seeing the sight.

"Guess who arrived" said Piara and Lavanya shot an anger look at her
"Ok sorry, I'll come earlier next time" said Piara with puppy eyes

"Forgiven, now let's continue because I don't want to be late in a ceremony which is for me" said Lavanya
"Ok my dearest" said Piara
"Good" said Lavanya

Piara brought a beautiful red and green dress. Lavanya was spellbound of its beauty. Lavanya came out in the beautiful dress and Piara casted of all the evil eyes. Lavanya laughed and Piara started straightening Lavanya's dress. There were no servants around because Piara wanted to do everything herself.

"Let no one's evil eye be on you" said Piara , she took some of her kajal and applied it at the back of Lavanya's ear
"Thank you Pia" said Lavanya and hugged Piara , she felt her eyes tearing

"Don't cry now and make my works harder" scolded Piara and Lavanya chuckled
"Ok The great Piara" said Lavanya and Broke off the hug

Lavanya wiped off her tears and smiled , Piara smiled back. Piara took out some light jewellery knowing Lavanya's preference. Lavanya was very excited for the ceremony. Piara took some kajal and applied it on Lavanya's eyes.

"Lav keep you head a little down instead of aiming for the ceiling" said Piara getting annoyed because Lav is raising her head while she is applying the kajal.

"I'm not" said Lav and Piara hit a look
"Ok ,ok , I'll stop" said Lav
"Good girl" said Piara

Piara applied stone kajal successfully into Lavanya's tires and she felt like she did something impossible. Piara applied some red pigment on Lav's lips and cheeks to give a flushed look. Piara again casted off the evil eyes.


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