Chapter 5

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"People don't remember years but Remember moments"

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"People don't remember years but Remember moments"

Piara was hesitant to join Lavanya on her trip to Chaturajy , She misses the bond with Lakshya but she feels suffocated by hiding the truth of Praneel's life from him. The truth was eating her deep inside . 

"Me?" asked Piara surprised , visiting Chaturajy was way out of her plans

"Yes , who else" said Harsh Sarcastically

"Why me" asked  surprised Piara

"Why not and in the name of your saneness , Its because she is most comfortable with you and she will better with  you than anyone else, Happy mother then Happy Baby" Said Harsh with a smile and Piara was unable to deny his words

"I am just happy that you found the right one and you care a lot for her is more than enough for me" said Piara with a smile
"So you will go " Asked Harsh and Piara nodded with a heavy heart

"Thanks a lot Pia , Lav will be vey happy when she knows that you'll go with her" said Harsh with a smile and Pia returned it.
"Stop, Its a ladies only ceremony "said Piara trying to supress her laughter seeing him go towards the room where the function is taking place

"Yes, I forgot about that in the excitement "Said Harsh and Piara smiled
"It's Fine , I'll tell her if you want" said Piara
"That would be great" said Harsh and Piara smiled

Piara walked towards the room with a lot of thoughts clouding her mind. She wants Lav to bring Praneel while visiting Chaturajy but doubt rised because if Lav denied it , she might cause stress because of her tries To convince Lav. Piara sighed and walked into the well decorated room.

"Pia where were you , I Was looking for you the whole time" Said Lav
"I was around here itself anyway Guess who is going to accompany you to Chaturajy" asked Piara trying to fake some excitement

"You are! , I'm so happy that you are coming with me to my Kingdom, we will have a lot of fun and we can explore the place like you used to take me" said Lavanya with happiness seen in her eyes and Piara smiled

"We will surely do that but for now try to enjoy the ceremony which is done for you and you" said Piara with a genuine smile and Lav smiled

Ladies came and made Lavanya dance with them. Lavanya was enjoying the ceremony but Piara was standing near the pillar with deep thoughts. She was not in that world at all, she was trapped between her thoughts in Lies.

"Piara sister come with us and dance" said Aanya , who was Harsh's long cousin from his mother's side
"Yes, Aanya I'll come soon" said Piara with a smile

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