chapter 21

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Both of them walked and found an abandoned Hut

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Both of them walked and found an abandoned Hut . It was really small and conjusted. It was really narrow , a stick was placed so the hut doesn't collapse and hurt anyone. Both of them got inside the hut to get shelter.

"Are you fine" said Lakshya. Piara was looked in his eyes and nodded positively, the eyelock stayed for a while until Pia looked outside.
"I guess we have to stay here until we get help and it's going to take some while for sure , I think the rain is only going to get more worse "said Pia with a sigh

"I also think the same Pia , the rain is getting stronger and the only option we have is to stay here in shelter until help comes, there isn't much space over here but make yourself comfortable because we are going to be here for a while" said Lakshya and Pia nodded

A chunk of strands from Pia's hair fell on her face when she nodded. Lakshya leaned towards her, she looked into his eyes straight, it was a perfect eye lock. Lakshya took the strand of hair and tucked it behind her ears. Pia could feel his breathe over her shoulders.

Both of their heartbeats were really fast as the moment. They felt shocks flying through their body. Pia felt goosebumps through her body. Both of them were getting short of breaths. When his touch felt on her skin she felt electricity passing through her body , he looked straight in her eyes.

"Thank you"she whispered and he leaned back, They both averted their eyes breaking the eye lock which stayed for a while.
"You are welcome" said Lakshya, Both of them could feel the atmosphere changing and there was a bit of a tension in the air at the moment.

Piara was playing with her hands feeling the tension in the air. She turned towards the rain and was giving her attention to the rain drops Falling into the ground with all it's power. She could feel her blood rushing towards her cheeks when she was thinking about what just happened, she was trying to discard the thoughts.

"Isn't the rain really beautiful, the soulful sound of the rain touching the ground and the river, it's really beautiful until it becomes to powerful and starts a flood" said Lakshya trying to crack a joke, Pia smile at him seeing the failed attempt and the gesture he did.

"I know it was bad joke but at least Queen Piara smiled, that's enough for this poor man to live"said Lakshya all dramatic and Piara chuckled to his words
"You are not a poor man, you are a really sweet man"said Pia, both of them smiled at each other

A small crumble voice could be heard to the ears, both of their attention went towards it. Both of them were really alarmed at the moment , they were in a place where no people usually lived, it was a deserted place. They looked around looking for the root of the sound.

"Lakshya, I think the stick which is holding the hut is moving , I think the place is going to collapse if we don't do anything, we need to keep the stick properly before everyone collapses" said Piara with an alarm in her voice and Lakshya nodded to her words.

Lakshya walked towards the stick and tried to push into a proper position which would make the place not collapse and provide enough support. He tried to move the stick with his strength but it didn't work , he sighed loudly and Piara walked towards him and he looked at her.

"I'll help you, you try to hold the building and I'll try to straighten the stick, okay?"asked Piara and Lakshya nodded positively

Both of them used their strength to make everything correct. They worked together and it ended in success. Lakshya and Piara sighed deeply after doing that.

"You fine" asked Lakshya and Piara nodded , they both looked at themselves to check for any Wounds.
"You are wounded"both of them said at the same moment , they wasn't feeling the pain at the moment but both of them were wounded but they were concerned about each others wounds than their personal injuries.

"Your blouse has been a little tore near the shoulder , I think that you have a wound over there or at least you will have a scratch mark" said Lakshya seeing the tore cloth on her shoulders and she glanced towards her shoulders.

"Look at you, your hand is really wounded and a lot of blood is flowing through the wound , it must be paining and you are staying silent, you can see how much it's wounded" said Piara holding his arms and bringing the wound to his notice , he wasn't feeling any pain but she was feeling pain after seeing the wound in his hands

Lakshya leaned towards Piara's shoulder to look at the wounds , There wasn't much injuries in her shoulder, it was a small scratch. A small thorn was pierced in the wounds and Lakshya slowly started to pull the thorn out.

"Shhh, it might pain a bit but we have to remove this thorn , I'll be soft and try to make it as painful as I can, don't worry the sharp shooting pain will only last a small moment and try not to move"said Lakshya and Piara nodded to his words

Lakshya leaned and started to take out the thorn, Pia was moaning in pain. Lakshya blowed cool air to her wound to ease her. He pulled out the thorn and threw it aside. He leaned to blow a cool air in her shoulders to comfort her a bit.

Both of them were really close to each other. Pia could feel his breathe over her Shoulders. Their heartbeats was really fast as the moment. He was slowly leaning back, both of them looked straight into their eyes and started leaning towards each other........

 He was slowly leaning back, both of them looked straight into their eyes and started leaning towards each other

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I am just going crazy over her. Next update coming up really soon and it's going to get really special. It's going to be something big in the Story and something you have been waiting, I know I was stalling too much but I'll do it in the next chapter.

Author Rn: My mood rn is 📈📈📈📈📈 I love this part sm!!!!

Author Rn: My mood rn is 📈📈📈📈📈 I love this part sm!!!!

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