chapter 6

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Hopeless battle hit 25k , I'm so happy. I'll most probably give the first bonus this week
Happy reading

 I'll most probably give the first bonus this weekHappy reading

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Lavanya turned to find Piara standing. Piara closed the doors and sat in the bed beside Lavanya. She knew that she wanted to convince her to do it .

"Lavanya please tell him about his son, now everything is fine and under control" said Piara
"Piara not yet, I don't want to put my nephew in danger after what all problems he went through" said Lavanya and Piara rolled her eyes

"You only care about your nephew but that also isn't perfectly , by hiding him you are hurting Lakshya and Praneel at the same time, why can't you understand that your decision is only hurting people" said Piara who was enough of her tantrums

Lavanya sighed , she had concerns. If there was any person who had potential to hurt Praneel , she would let him appear. She knew that it wasn't completely under his control yet and neighbouring Kingdoms are waiting for a chance to take over Chaturajy. Praneel is an excellent weapon and she couldn't put him in danger.

"It's dangerous , I can't put him in danger" said Lavanya and Piara rolled her eyes
"He would be most safe with his father and family who would give their life for his safety" reasoned Piara and Lavanya sighed

"Not at all, this conversation ends here and the answer is no" said Lavanya
"But-" Piara said
"No if's or But's , it is done" said Lavanya cutting Piara
"This isn't fair" said Piara
"Everything is fair" said Lavanya

A knock was heard and both of their attention came out of the heated conversation. Piara opened the door to find Harsh with a confused face. She welcomed him with a smile. Harsh was confused of what was happening , a closed door and Piara's iconic hiding smile.

"What is happening" asked Harsh cluelessly
"Nothing" said Lavanya with a smile
"Pia you are hiding something, is there anything that I should know?" Asked Harsh

"There is nothing like that Harsh , it's just woman to woman talks which I guess you are very interested to hear" said Piara
"Not at all, you girls continue the talk , I just came here to remind my pregnant wife to eat properly" said Harsh and Piara gave an are you kidding look
"Ok I will go and eat" said Lavanya

Harsh left and Piara looked angry . Lavanya held her ears signifying that she is Sorry . Piara heads out and asks Zara to bring some food. Piara makes Lav complete the food which was bought for her according to what a pregnant woman should eat.

"You are eating very less than usual , remember that now you are eating for not only yourself but also an another life too" said Piara strictly
"Yes Pia , I'll eat properly now onwards" said Lav

"Remember that we are leaving day after tomorrow" said Piara
"How can I forget that, I'm so excited to go" said Lav
"So you don't like it over here" asked Piara
"It's not like that, it's just home has its own heavenly feeling" said Lav

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