Chapter 26

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Pia was in her dream world but she woke up all of a sudden , She felt like she is in between of an earthquake but it was just Lakshya shaking her arms to wake her up . She looked up at him with annoyance and she saw him smiling at her.

"What" said Pia with annoyance

"You looked so cute!" said Lakshya with a smile and Pia looked at him with a murderous look , He chuckled seeing her expression

"Why did you wake up me from sleeping peacefully?" asked Pia with complete Annoyance , She was giving him a murderous stare

"I woke you up because We would reach the Palace shortly , We are just a short while away" Said Lakshya with an innocent look and Pia's look stayed the same

"You are kidding me right, You could have carried me instead and let me sleep longer , you are too lazy" Said Piara rolling her eyes and Lakshya chuckled

"You are too lazy and why are you laughing , Its not me but you are the Lazy person" said Pia with a small pout which looked really cute which made him smile and made her intensify the pout , She was getting annoyed by him smiling whenever she Rants

The ride suddenly stopped and that's when she realised they reached there. Pia gave Lakshya a last murderous glare and got out . The lights from the palace reflected to her face , Lakshya got out just after she did.

"Everyone must be sleeping so we should be going in complete silence , We are quite late" Said Lakshya and Pia nodded.

"Yeah, Let's go" Said Pia and Lakshya nodded. The started walking towards the entrance where some guards were guarding , They bowed to Lakshya and he gestured to them.

The hallways were dimly lit up , It was enough bright to walk without stumbling while walking and dim enough to not create a nuisance while sleeping . Pia tried her best to silence the Anklets she was wearing , She tried her best so it was not too loud to scare a person.

"No one is currently sleeping in this part , I kind of made us take the long route so we don't disturb anyone that much, So try to silence your Anklets a bit but don't be too pressured" Said Lakshya and Piara nodded

Piara was holding up her long shawl , She was too lazy to pin it back in the correct way . The shawl had started touching the floor but Pia didn't notice. She was walking and one of her Footsteps met the shawl , She lost her balance and was going fall on the floor but instead she hit the hands of Lakshya . As a reflex she was going to scream but Lakshya kept his hands over her mouth to silence her.

"Shh, Pia careful" Whispered Lakshya and Pia slowly nodded while she was still in his arms

She held his torso to get some kind of grip , The silence could not mask Pia's fast heartbeats. She stared straight into his eyes , They both were pretty close. They both moved their face slowly to each other . The peaceful atmosphere with the silence was embracing the mood. Their lips slowly touched each other.

The exhaustion and tiredness slowly melted away and both of them were kissing passionately . Both of them were fighting for the dominance in the kiss and Piara was slowly dominating the kiss. They were slowly getting heated up for the moment , Each others touches were sending sparks .

"My dearest Baby Sleep , My angel how long have I been rocking you and you haven't slept yet , I have reached a different side of the palace after walking while rocking you , At least sleep now" Said Lavanya while rocking her new born Baby , Lav sighed and kept on rocking,

Pia suddenly broke the kiss , She was hoping that her lips aren't swollen from the intense kiss. Both of them were really alarmed after hearing Lav's sound , They were nearly panicking . Pia straightened her dress and they both started walking towards Lav and the baby.

"You haven't slept yet" asked Lakshya and Lavanya turned towards them to see Lakshya and Pia, She smiled at them but that smile was accompanied by a sigh.

"She haven't slept yet and I don't think so that she will sleep today" Said Lavanya in a ranting manner , she was pretty exhausted at that point

"She will sleep soon, Don't stress Lav" said Pia with a comforting smile , Lav gave her an exhausted smile. The three of them started continued their walks .

"How was the trip , I am pretty sure that it would have been awesome because thats such a beautiful place that anyone would fall in love with" said Lav expressing her never-ending love for the place

"Yes! It was pretty great and I'm sure it will memorable and a beautiful memory that I will cherish my whole life" Said Pia with a smile , Lav's eyes lit up suddenly in happiness . Lakshya and Pia had a small eye lock at that movement , It was enough to give Pia's butterflies

"You Both are really late , But i can't blame you because its so fun in there that you won't even mind coming back here, The peacefulness and the scenery is so good! I will surely visit there with Harsh" said Lav with a smile and a giggle.

"Guess what? My niece fell asleep hearing our boring gossips , What is this Lav! you bored out the poor Baby , She is so bored that she fell asleep in a jiffy" Said Lakshya all dramatic and Lav rolled her eyes

"She slept so I am going back , Good night both of you" said Lav, She walked away towards the other side . Pia and Lakshya continues there walking and they reached a place to part ways.

"Good night and sweet dreams" said Pia with a sweet smile

"Good night to you Too" said Lakshya

Pia started Walking to the other side but a hand held her hand....

Hey guys , I was kind of in a bad mental state so that's why I didn't update

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Hey guys , I was kind of in a bad mental state so that's why I didn't update. I know that this update is kind of a lagging type and doesn't contribute much but I've decided to extend the end date so it would be really detailed and stuff.
Hope you understand if I ever miss an update day, I would have a valid reason and I'm mentally in a bad place. I had two mental breakdowns in four days.

Author Rn : My mental health has a better graph rn which I'm thankful for!!! Not the best but had worst

Still getting hate for Hopeless Battle even after saying no HATE

Still getting hate for Hopeless Battle even after saying no HATE

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