Chapter 9

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I left the last chapter in a cliffhanger even though you know what's going to happen. I'll try to hit a lot of words today because today is special.

"Baby stop hiding behind me and come over here" said Piara in a sweet Voice and figure came forward"P-Praneel" whispered Lakshya in complete confusion of what is happening"D-Dad" whispered Praneel timidly

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"Baby stop hiding behind me and come over here" said Piara in a sweet Voice and figure came forward
"P-Praneel" whispered Lakshya in complete confusion of what is happening
"D-Dad" whispered Praneel timidly

Praneel looked at Piara and she nodded. Praneel ran towards his father and hugged him with his little hands. Lakshya hugged the kid fast and tears started to flow from his eyes. Piara smiled seeing the wonderful sight Infront of her. Praneel felt safe in his father's hands and Lakshya felt like he got his life back.

"Where were you my Prince" asked Lakshya kissing his forehead and Piara was playing with her hands nervously after hearing that question
"Aunt had taken me somewhere, she told me to go with Aunt Jamina and aunt Jamina told that I'm safe over there and I should be brave for you and mom" said Praneel with tears in his doe eyes

"I'm just happy that you are here with me now, don't leave me again" said Lakshya hugging Praneel, Piara's heart was beating fast due to her nervousness.
"Did you eat anything" asked Lakshya with concern

"I did, the aunt over here gave me my favourite" said Praneel with excitement
"She did, anyway you go to my room till your room is ready, ok" said Lakshya
"Ok, where is mom" asked Praneel
"Go now and I'll tell later" said Lakshya and Praneel nodded

Praneel started walking away , he slowly faded out of their sight. Piara's heart was beating fast, her hands were cold and she was trying to be calm.It was bittersweet , Lakshya was feeling betrayed by everyone around him at that moment, he was happy to get a part of his life back.

"Did you know about this Piara" asked Lakshya and Piara took a deep breath
"I-I-I did" said Piara and she could see Lakshya jaw clenching
"You kept this from me, you didn't even feel the need to tell me that my son is alive" asked Lakshya fisting his hand

"I-I-I did" whispered Piara because she was scared
"You did then why didn't you tell me about the existence of my son, my blood" asked Lakshya who was angry
"I-I" stuttered Piara in fear

"I-I what? Tell me what is it" said Lakshya
"I-I tried to tell you several times" said Piara somehow
"Then why didn't you say , did I stop you" asked Lakshya
"No" whispered Piara
"Then? " Asked Lakshya

Lakshya was so close to Piara at that moment , he could hear her loud heartbeats due to her nervous self. He was holding her arms and asking like a madman. Piara stood there dumbstruck by his reaction. Their faces were just centimeters apart from each other. Lakshya went Crazy angry trying to process the betrayal and Piara was a nervous wreck seeing Lakshya's behaviour.

"Why are you silent , no problem I'll guess why, Maybe my own sister told you" Said Lakshya and Piara gulped in fear
"I guess I'm right but I still don't get it , you hearing my sister's words and obeying it" asked Lakshya

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