Chapter 11

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I took a small break from my every 3 day update. It's so hectic to be honest but I did keep a schedule to complete. This book is small and there is nearly 14 chapters left only. I'm still wondering how will I reach there.
Anyway just vote because I have to write 25 pages but I'm here updating.

"Brother" Called out Lavanya and Lakshya turned"Can I talk to you" asked Lavanya in a timid voice"Now?" Asked Lakshya and Lav nodded"Ok" said Lakshya

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"Brother" Called out Lavanya and Lakshya turned
"Can I talk to you" asked Lavanya in a timid voice
"Now?" Asked Lakshya and Lav nodded
"Ok" said Lakshya

Lavanya took Lakshya's hands and started walking. She was walking towards their favourite play spot when they were kids. The duo loved playing from there and there was a lot of memories tied towards that's single spot. Lavanya took a seat near the window and Lakshya took a seat opposite her.

"I'm sorry" whispered Lav
"For what" asked Lakshya
"For everything , I've done something really bad to you that an enemy even won't do" said Lav in the verge of tears

"Lav-" whispered Lakshya
"I regret everything I did, I shouldn't have taken Praneel away from you ,  it was really cruel towards you and I kept on going even though I could see the pain you were going through" said Lav and a tear fell from her eyes, she wiped it

The room was occupied by an awkward silence. Lakshya didn't know what to say , what could he say to this Betrayal. He couldn't say that it's fine because it wasn't. She didn't know what to say to justify what she did , it took time for her realise that what she said was nonesense.

"I used to say that you just took over the kingdom and things weren't completely in your control yet , neighbouring Kingdoms could have attacked you and I couldn't put Praneel in danger , he was your weak spot and it came with dangers" said Lavanya

"How can you say that he won't be safe with me? I will give my life but I won't even let a wound come on him" said Lakshya in anger

"I know , I know , I should have not done that, I regret it a lot when I see you so happy with his return , it hurts to know that you could have been happy long ago if I had confessed before" said Lav
"It would have" muttered Lakshya

She knew that she deserved his hate but his each was hitting her like daggers in the heart . He was disappointed in his sister , the same person that he would give his life for , he was ready suffer a lot for her but it hurt him that it wasn't the same for her.

"It was my fault in every way , I should have thought better but I didn't hear what others said but I just believed that I was right , I should have heard what she said but I kept on to my version of safety but I was wrong" said Lav
"By others you mean Piara?" Asked Lakshya and Lav nodded

"She always told me to confess but I never did that , She told me to tell you at several occasions but I didn't budge and I kept her silent , you even don't know how much times she tried to tell you but I stopped her , I shouldn't have stopped her" said Lav with her cracking voice

"She did?" asked Lakshya , he felt knots in his stomach feeling guilty. From the first itself he knew that Piara wasn't the one to blame but she was somewhat guilty , his sister's words proved him completely wrong

"I'm sorry , I really am" said Lav
"I-I never thought that the girl who was born with me , who I've known me whole life would do something like this to me , I thought I knew you but guess what, you proved me completely wrong" said Lakshya

"Br-" whispered Lav
"No!, You never accounted my feeling but kept doing what you thought was right even though the whole world told you that it was wrong , I still can't believe that my own sister hid the existence of my son from me, his father" said Lakshya

"Br-" whispered Lav
"You know what? I was wrong thinking that you won't do anything like that to me, how will I expect my sister will hide that my Son is alive , I thought we would be there for each other in pain and we will find solutions for our problems but no! You only increased them" said Lakshya

Each and every word which came from his mouth hit her line knives stabbing her. Tears started to come from her eyes and Lakshya felt suffocated in his body. They both had a rush of different feeling which they couldn't say , they were am emotional mess in middle of lies and Betrayal.

"I'm sorry, I truly am and I really wish that you'll forgive me" said Lav and walked away

She was sobbing at that point , she was wiping her tears like crazy . She felt broken by her lies. Piara saw her sobbing and walked towards her. She hugged Piara and started sobbing.

"Dear is going to be fine , He will cool down soon and I know he can't be angry with his only sister" said Pia
"He is truly disappointed in me" said Lav
"He won't be , now go and be with our Princess" said Pia cupping Lavanya's face and she nodded

Lakshya got up from there and started walking towards his room. The voices in his head was reminding him of what happened to him. He wanted to it to stop , he hit the wall next to him in anger and annoyance. The first punch was accompanied by another. Slowly he hit rock bottom and tears started flow from his eyes.

"Why? Why is this happening to me" whispered Lakshya , he felt better when he unleashed his feelings

Piara called out his name and he wiped all his tears and looked at her. She had a bowl in her hands. She made him sit in the bed and they both looked into each others eyes.

"Give me your hands"............

Author loves to rantSo this chapter is something

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Author loves to rant
So this chapter is something. I tried my best to show his pain but I ain't a winner in that for sure. Lemme get back to writing my notes and you can vote .

Author Rn : has an important test to study but obvi she isn't .

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