Chapter 24

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Piara was laying her head in Lakshya's shoulder. He kept his head in top of Piara's head. Pia was cuddling him and was holding his hand tight like she would never leave it. Her fragile body was covered with her shawl, she was pretty much exhausted, all tired at that point.

"Pia , are you okay" asked Lakshya  looking at the weak looking Pia, He raised his head and looked at her , She raised her head and looked at him in confusion

"Why would I not be okay ?, I am pretty fine" Said Piara with a faint smile blossoming on her face, She rested her head back in his comfortable shoulders , She felt like laying there , it was her sane place and she didn't want to leave there.

The rain was slowly fading and so was the daylight , Both of them were laying over there with no care in the world . Pia was half naked but covered herself with her shawl , She was laying hugging his hands with complete peace.

Lakshya was sitting there half naked , he put his head above Pia's. Her touches were soothing him , Her clutching his hand made him feel complete . He felt her breath on his shoulders which were soothing him slowly , He felt like he can face anything if she is with him.

"Pia , You are really tired and exhausted , Do you need anything to drink or eat" Said Lakshya looking at Pia who was laying peacefully on his shoulder.

"No , I just want to lay over your shoulder" whispered Piara in her tired voice . She was wishing that she could lay on his shoulder forever , Her emotions on the moment was too much for her but she decided to be in peace.

"Yeah , I won't get up , you can lay over here" Said Lakshya with a smile , He didn't want this to end . He wanted her close to him . He wanted to inhale her scent with bought him saneness , He wanted to feel her Magical touched forever

Lakshya stared towards the open , He could hear the sounds of the water clashing with the rocks. He noticed that the sun was slowly setting down. The sky was a gorgeous sight but he had a more beautiful sight , The sight of a beautiful Angel laying on his shoulders with a peaceful look.

"Pia , the person I send to get help might get over here soon so think we should get dressed" said Lakshya in realisation and that realisation hit Pia too . She was too exhausted but she  hummed a yes.

Lakshya slowly straightened Pia's head . He got up and got dressed fast . He looked at Pia, She didn't have much energy left with her. He walked towards her and gave her his hand to get up . She clutched the hand tight and got up with all her energy .

She was wearing her dress slowly , She reached out for the blouse and wore it . She was struggling to tie the knot in her blouse . Lakshya saw her struggling , he walked towards her , He caressed her back gesturing that he would do it . He tied the knots , She could feel his breathe over her back which effortlessly send chills through her spines , Her hands had small Goosebumps.

"Lakshya" Piara slowly whispered and he hummed slowly , he was inhaling her intoxicating scent . Pia slowly pulled his hands towards her hand . She turned towards him.

"What is it Pia?" asked Lakshya completely confused . Pia held his hand and showed his wounds . it had started Bleeding and she looked straight at his eyes with a questioning look . She went and tore a piece of her shawl , She tied it over his wound.

"Once in a while , take care of yourself too and I'm Sorry that i didn't do about the  wound before" said Pia who was feeling guilty and was in the verge of tears  , Lakshya kept his finger over her lips to make her silent and he started caressing her lips.

"Why are you telling sorry , It should be me asking for your forgiveness for hurting you , I was to hard on you and you might be hurting now" Said Lakshya looking down because he could not look at her eyes because of the guilt . Piara cupped his face and pecked his lips.

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