Chapter 3

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"what!" Asked Lakshya in surprise"Everything is under control now , we acted fast so everything is fine" said Taresh"Okay"said Lakshya

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"what!" Asked Lakshya in surprise
"Everything is under control now , we acted fast so everything is fine" said Taresh
"Okay"said Lakshya

"Everything is okay, right" asked Piara
"Yes Pia , you always worry a lot" said Taresh
"I agree, she does" said Lakshya

Piara gave an annoyed pout and others started laughing. Piara was always a concerned and caring type , it was what her personality was. That was her aura which attracts people to her. She was a beauty with brains , she spreads love wherever she goes.

"Pia you look cute when you are pouting" said Taresh , it was his all time tease line
"You do" said Lakshya with a smile

"Are you teasing me !" Asked Piara
"Of course not , we have the will to live" said Taresh raising his hands
"I'll kill you personally , don't worry" said Piara rolling her eyes

Piara is used to going through all the tease moments from the boys  , she is the only girl and is annoyed the most. Piara walked out of the room with  mixed emotions. She was in a dillema. She might have laughed things off but inside the smile there was a big question which was eating her off.

"Queen Lavanya is calling you" said Zara
"Yeah , I'm going" said Piara with a smile

Piara was talking her steps but her mind was somewhere else. She felt trapped ,suffocated. She wanted to unleash her by telling the truth but her promise is tieing her to the web of lies. She felt overwhelmed by the secret and now she preferred not knowing the secret

"Pia" called out Lavanya which brought her out of her thoughts
"Huh!" Said Pia without her knowledge after being broken out of her trance
"Where are you lost Piara" asked Lavanya

"I'm lost in the ocean of lies and I'm drowning now" said Piara
"I'm sorry to leave you there but that's the best option , look there was attack today and I'm sure it will continue" said Lavanya

"It went okay without any troubles so where is the issue" said Piara trying to convince
"Who knows the future , next time it's trouble maybe" said Lav and Pia rolled her eyes

"Lav hear me out , you are not doing the right thing to them, you are doing nothing less than punishing them" said Piara
"I'm am not , I'm just looking out for them" said Lav

"You aren't, they are already broken by the departure of Queen Drishti , don't hurt them more just bring them together so they can pick up the pieces together" said Piara
"Not yet" said Lav

Lavanya walked away not wanting to fight with Pia on the topic. Piara knew it wasn't fair at all , she wanted to confess so badly but at couldn't. She felt drenched in lies , she sat in the bed to relax herself. Her hurt felt tug from knowing that she was doing something wrong to Lakshya and Praneel.

"Is everything okay" said a voice and Piara turned , it was Lakshya
"Yeah everything is fine" said Pia with a smile
"I'm here if you want to talk , I feel like you have a lot going on so don't forget I'm here" said Lakshya with a smile

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