Chapter 18

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Please don't miss the note I wrote at the end

"What is there to answer Harsh? Tell me? The answer is not less than obvious, You know me enough well to guess my answer in a heart beat" Said Piara

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"What is there to answer Harsh? Tell me? The answer is not less than obvious, You know me enough well to guess my answer in a heart beat" Said Piara

"Piara , This decision is not that simple and because of that I need you to think about it thoroughly , I do have an idea of your decision but I don't think its the right answer so please think about it , in the end of the day its completely your choice and I'm not the one who will push you follow my decision but give it a thought" said Harsh

"Harsh , how much time do you expect me to think about it , the choice i chose is best for me in every aspect and I don't want to lose that security in life , Just think about it using your brain instead of your heart and still you will only see Green flags telling me to go for it , I know that I'm going against your thoughts and feelings but I think that is best for me at least in this point of life" said Piara in a completely confident manner and Harsh looked at Piara helplessly

"Pia you do understand that this is an important decision regarding your life , I don't think fast thoughts will give you any clarity in things , Piara I care about you and ill be there with you in any decision you take without hesitation " said Harsh with a sad smile on his face , Piara looked at him reassuringly

" Yeah I would prefer not being separated , Harsh I don't have any stability at this point at least , i hope you understand my reasons , I would be a complete lone wolf at this moment , this marriage at least give me security , I have a place to be at and i am a lady of power , no one would dare to cross paths with me" Said Piara and Harsh nodded

"If its really important to you , I don't mind moving out of your way , you can tell me that straight up and I'll just do something up , don't worry about me and I would never want to burden you in our friendship" said Piara

"You are never a burden for me, you are one of the best thing happened to me , I would never want to lose you , its just I didn't want to keep you trapped in a meaningless thing , we are friends and that's what we always would be , I didn't want you to keep that tag for namesake and burden you" Said Harsh and Piara hugged him tight

"You will always be my stupid best friend" whispered Piara and Harsh chuckled
"You will always be my Drama queen best friend" whispered Harsh and Piara smiled

They both chat for a long while and later they went to get some sleep . A lot of puzzle thoughts had left their mind at that point. Piara had waken up when the sunlight hit her eyes hard . She got up lazily and changed into comfortable clothes . She felt a lot better after talking to Harsh about her thoughts . She had a faint smile on her face , She went to the food area to see Praneel in the verge of tears , she took the sight by surprise.

"What happened Praneel? , tell me Baby" said Piara with a concerned face
"Look aunt Piara , he won't be here, he is going somewhere and leaving me alone again" said Praneel with a pout

"Let him go, we can have a lot of fun and not include him , we will rock today and make him jealous" said Piara with a wink and Lakshya smiled at her

"Yes aunt Piara , Dad you go then but we will have so much fun that you'll regret going and wish you stayed and had fun with us" said Praneel
"I will but I have to go" said Lakshya and Kissed Praneel's

Lakshya left , he had to go around his Kingdom and look how things are going. Praneel was being stubborn , after Drishti's departure , he was feeling alone . He needed a mother figure in his life and he was reciprocating that feelings like this. Lakshya wanted to check on his son before leaving , he found Praneel laughing with Piara and Piara had a big smile on her face which Warmed his heart. Seeing the smile on his son's face made him less guilty in leaving.

"Praneel let's go to the garden, it's more open over there, you can take your ball and we can play ball from there" said Piara and Praneel nodded with a big smile on his face

Piara and Praneel played for a long while , They were having a lot of fun. Piara liked being around kids , she saw them as a bundle of happiness. Praneel liked Piara a lot, she was resembling how his mother was which increased his liking towards her. 

"Aunt Piara can you feed me the food , please" asked Praneel doing puppy eyes which melted Piara's heart in a giffy
"Ok Praneel" said Piara with a big smile on her face

Piara fed Praneel some food , Praneel talked a lot to Piara and Piara was an excellent listener which was a good thing for the kid. Piara entertained Praneel the whole day, she took care of him, played with him and he was completely comfortable with her.
The Dawn fell in Chaturajy and the lights started to sparkle around the palace.

"Pia , I guess you had a lot of fun with Praneel" said Lavanya and Piara smiled at her
"I truly had a lot of fun, he is such a bundle of happiness , it feels so nice having him around" said Piara looking at Praneel who was playing with Pari

"Pia you will be an excellent mother, you kids would be really blessed to have you as their mother" said Lavanya, PiaRa kept her head in Lavanya's shoulders and laughed

"Kids it's time to get some sleep, you can play tomorrow" said Piara and Praneel sighed
"Tomorrow" said Lavanya and Praneel nodded

Piara took Praneel to Lakshya's room as he is sleeping in Lakshya's room. Piara changed Praneel into Comfortable clothes and tucked him into comfortable clothes. Piara caressed his head and was going to leave.

"Please don't go" said Praneel

Piara sat near Praneel . She started singing him a lullaby and let the darkness engulf her.....

 She started singing him a lullaby and let the darkness engulf her

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Hey, imma update every Monday and Thursday. The number of updates a week won't change much because I give 2-3 updates a week, this just makes it less exhausting since I write 3 books at the same time.

Author Rn : Pretty sure my plans went down the drain 

Author Rn : Pretty sure my plans went down the drain 

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