Chapter 30

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Pia had spend the whole day with Lav , they chatted endlessly and that summarised her whole day, the realisation of that was a surprise for her

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Pia had spend the whole day with Lav , they chatted endlessly and that summarised her whole day, the realisation of that was a surprise for her. It was night and the silence was real. She was bummed because Lav had told her that Lakshya had gone somewhere which effortlessly killed her mood.

She was pretty bummed but she moved on. She had went towards the different side of the palace with Lav, Pia's room had been changed after Praneel's return and walking to her new room was like an adventure course. She walked through the hallways which was very silent.

She felt a hand pull her , it didn't take her much time to realise that Lav had told her that Lakshya had gone some where. She got really alarmed and she opened her mouth to scream in the top of her lungs. She knew no one might hear but she tried to scream.

She opened her mouth to scream but was instead was greeted by lips which captured her lips. It didn't take her much time to realise who it was. She could identify who it was effortlessly. She slowly kissed back, his lips was passionately kissing her back.

She opened her eyes to see Lakshya Infront of her , She couldn't believe that he was Infront of her. She was surprised but yet happy to see him. She conveyed her passionate feelings through the passionate kiss. Their eyes met which had happiness written all over them, they need each other very much. Pia pulled of from this Kiss and Lakshya looked at her all confused of what is happening.

"What happened Pia" asked Lakshya while cupping her face in his hands . Their faces were really near to each other. Lakshya was completely confused by what just happened.

"Lav had told me that you had to go somewhere and you won't be here today so I am just confused that what are you doing here then" asked Pia in her confused look
"So do you have any issue with me being here" asked Lakshya with a questioning look and Pia rolled her eyes

"It's just I didn't expect to meet you today and I'm so happy that you are here ,I can't explain it with words , I'm just simply surprised that you here in front of me" said Pia with a smile and her hands were hugging around his neck.

"I had done errants today which I had to do but I decided to not stay overnight but instead come back, I just had to do stuff with more hard work but I know it would be worth it so it's not that much big of an issue" said Lakshya and Pia smiled at him hearing the flattering words.

"I'll make it worth it don't worry when I'm here" said Pia with a smile, he chuckled then smiled back at her. She leaned in a left a peck on his lips and he leaned towards her to kiss her.

She was blushing hard, his lips crashed to hers . his lips smashed against hers , he was kissing her like there is no tomorrow. He hungrily pushed back towards the wall while kissing very hard , it was a dominating kiss and she was trying to catch up.

His hands were on the wall which was kind of caging her between his arms.Her hands were locked around his neck as if she would never let him get away from her. She tried her best to dominate the kiss against him, their tongues battling back and forth , each trying to win the battle.

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