Chapter 20

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An update Dedicated to my Grandmother and My dad . It's their birthday. It's such a great day to me but as like always Birthdays are usually the days I feel I have a lot to do. They don't know that I published my works over here and i write a lot in their name so I have to write and make time for them, don't forget my procastinating habits too......

 They don't know that I published my works over here and i write a lot in their name so I have to write and make time for them, don't forget my procastinating habits too

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"Tell me My dearest Piara Rosh" said Lakshya with a cute smile on his face which effortlessly filled Pia's heart with some kind of comfort which she could not pin point

"I am surprised that you remember my name so perfectly , some people will forget my name is Piara after calling Pia for a long time" said Piara with her childish smile which could make any one smile  

"Who can forget such a beautiful name and when you introduce yourself you never forget to mention your whole name and It pretty much becomes unforgettable " Said Lakshya and Piara was very much flattered by the words

"Any way I came to give you advice , Advice by Piara is a world class product which is pretty much liked by everyone and is simple great , you did see that yesterday Praneel was reluctant of you leaving so why don't you make it up to him by taking him somewhere like  a trip , It will surely make him feel included and all, It fills a some kind of comfort and it will make him feel that you care through these gestures , You now have to fill space of both yours and Drishti's" said Piara

Lakshya heard each and every word with very much intrigue , he knew he had to do something and make it up to Praneel, Piara was giving him enough idea  on how to . HE was already grateful for having her in his life and now it was just increasing , he didn't now how to make it up to her at some point.

"Hey! Why did you get yourself inside deep thoughts, is anything wrong? what is there to think this deep in what I said? It's simple and effortless , You just be yourself and it works like a beautiful charm so don't over use you head for this" Said Piara being her dramatic self which was very cute to witness

"It was nothing , I was just thinking where to go but how will go somewhere without his favourite Lady of the palace , Don't let Lavanya hear this and know that you stole the place from her" said Lakshya with a serious expression and Pia let out a cute chuckle 

"I took that in a real flattering way but that would be me invading you Moments which isn't right so i would slowly decline that" Said Piara 
"Invading? I don't think so" said Lakshya and Pia gave him a questioning look

Lakshya went towards Praneel and they both walked towards Piara , Pia stood all clueless of what's happening. Lakshya had a plan in his mind which he was sure would work

" Neel tomorrow we are going to have a small trip" Said Lakshya and effortlessly Neel's Eyes lit up hearing his words which brought a smile in all of their faces

"Aunt Piara will you come with us , it will  be fun" said  Neel and Pia understood what Lakshya did and looked at him , Lakshya looked at her all innocent and clueless of What's happening.

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