Chapter 25

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Piara was gazing at the burning fire in front of her , She felt like she was free from all the things which were pulling her back . A span of a single changed her life at a 360 degree. She knew that everything was not going to be rainbows and sunshine but she didn't care about that anymore , She liked being herself .

"You do know that this Heaven is not forever" Said Lakshya with sadness lingering in his voice , he didn't want this to ever end. He felt like himself after a long time , After a drastic battle changed everything , He lost a lot of things in his life and in the way he lost a part of himself which he was slowly getting back.

"I wish it was forever but I know that we create our hell and heaven , This is my heaven and i will cling onto that" Said Piara in a low voice which was nearly like a whisper . Lakshya nodded to her words , He held her hands tight.

"We create our own hell and Heaven" said Lakshya with a reassuring tone and Pia looked at him and gave a big smile.

"I am sure that as long as you are there , its going to be heaven and nothing can change that" said Lakshya with a sweet smile and Piara smiled back at him, She clutched his hand tighter. His words melted her heart effortlessly and made her feel better

"Yes! its going to be great as long you are there by my side and that is the unchangeable truth" said Piara laying her Head over his shoulder , She took his hand and kissed his hand . He took her hand and kissed on her hand . They both smiled at each other.

"Somethings are just beautiful like how it is , This moment is just beautiful and i wish it stays like this for longer" Said Piara and Lakshya nodded . They laid back into the floor to lay down for a while , Piara kept her head at Lakshya's hands.

"Look at that star, It keeps shining just like you beautiful eyes" said Lakshya pointing to a star in the blue sky filled with shining stars and a crescent moon. Piara blushed at Lakshya's words and he pinched her rosy cheeks , She smiled at his cute gesture and he smiled back at her.

"You Flatter me too much , You should try for being a poet and after hearing your sweet words , i am sure that you can be a pretty good poet" said Pia with a childish smile and Lakshya chuckled to it . Pia looked into his deep eyes.

"You know, Your eyes are so deep and peaceful that I can look into them for ever" said Piara and Lakshya chuckled . Lakshya slowly cupped her face and she started to blush into a deep red tone which left Lakshya with a cute smile.

"You are not that bad of a poet yourself Pia , You too should try to be one and I am sure that you can do a pretty awesome job" said Lakshya and Pia laughed like she had heard a joke. Lakshya looked at her with a questioning look.

"You are kidding right, I suck at poetry and Poetry is not my thing for sure" Said Piara with a smile and Lakshya stared at her , She averted her face to the opposite side blushingly .

"Why are you hiding that gorgeous face from me" Said Lakshya and cupped her face towards him and stared right into her eyes and leaned towards her . He slowly claimed her pink lips with passion and gave a small peck which left her blushing more hard.

Lakshya looked at her eyes and she stared at his , He pulled her towards him for a kiss , He crashed his lips on to her fragile lips and she was trying to kiss back with all her energy but could not keep up with his power and energy , She was still tired and exhausted unlike him . The kiss only gave him more energy to continue more passionately and with more power.

Both of them were fighting for dominance in that rough kiss , The kiss was getting heated by the second. The feeling was unstoppable making them unable to stop and making them continue with more addictive feeling.

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